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Argos (Ar-ghos)

Argos -
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Ray Abbey
(a.k.a. Heart)

The dutiful and catty aide to Baron Fiore Choi-Yun, Argos takes the codename Heart, or Jack of Hearts, and handles the social management, taking care of Kindred concerns and making sure people are getting along alright in the new, changing, and emboldened Tacoma.   They are flirtatious, capricious, and find others' annoyance delicious, but they are good at the job given to them, aided by an eye for the moods of a room and superhuman speed.    They are, arguably, a very human Kindred, in the sense that they don't let the dredges of unlife get to them as much as others. Of course, they are also a very young Kindred in the grand scheme of things, adding to that undeveloped malaise.  
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But, hidden behind that smirk is a lost and broken sense of identity, ruined by a decade in service of their sire, only recently reclaimed and partially rebuilt with the help of the Baron they hold so dear.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Argos is rather thin and lithe, twinkish one might say, and lacks much muscle definition with the exception of their arms, which have a little bit, and their legs, which are very well defined.

Facial Features

Argos has a smattering of freckles across the bridge of their nose, and piercing green eyes that always tend to catch even the smallest bit of light.

Physical quirks

Argos finds it very difficult to sit still and is prone to tapping their fingers or feet or fiddling with some toy or device to keep their mind occupied.

Special abilities

While Argos' tutelage and history has given them plenty of experience to fortify their kindred abilities, they've mostly remained in two of Clan Toreador's primary Disciplines: Auspex and Celerity. While their skills are primarily in the speed and dexterity of Celerity, their talents in Auspex keep the level of their senses with their blurring speeds.   That isn't to say they don't have any diversified skills, as they've dipped into the resilience of Fortitude and the arcane arts of Blood Sorcery, but only as much as they've needed to for their nightly activities.

Apparel & Accessories

Argos keeps a loose grip on any kind of aesthetic norm, dressing all across the wide array of styles, genders, and sub-types of presentation. Although, they seem to like hanging some article of clothing down by their shoulders, whether it be part of a coat, a shawl, or even a boa.

Specialized Equipment

While it's very rare that they need to even consider drawing any kind of weapon outside of their natural Kindred abilities, they do possess a silvered stiletto knife that they keep on their person. They've also been researching a new paint mixture for some specialized art pieces.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There was once a human by the name of Ray Abbey, but the only proof that they existed is a handful of social media posts and a diploma. What lives in their place is a Kindred by the name of Argos.   Of course, even Argos' history is left in vagueries and repressed memories, as the first decade of their unlife was spent in service of a man who, in so few words, pimped them out in every way imaginable, even leaving them for the Sabbat when the time called for it.   But instead of remaining in his service, or falling victim to the monstrous madness of the Sabbat, Argos was rescued by Fiore Choi-Yun, then just a random Kindred, and given the first ounce of genuine kindness and care they had received in the past 10 years, maybe even longer.   Perhaps it was the fact that they had nothing from their human or Kindred life to fill the space, but Fiore's honest care and concern for Argos and wellbeing began to ingratiate them to him, in a way that felt more natural than their sire ever felt.   When asked why the baron-to-be cared for them, despite the fact that they were technically one of the Camarilla, he merely said "I saw someone in serious need of help, and I decided to help them. Isn't that complicated, right?"   It was then that Argos decided, they would stay with Fiore, this random Kindred who wished to help them, and see where the path of life took them. For the two years that followed, Argos grew to develop their own talents, and slowly yet surely grew a portion of their own personhood back, as Fiore wanted them as an ally, rather than a pawn, and nearly demanded they be as such.   For two years, Argos pushed their blood to the limits and reveled in the chance to be themselves. Even if they lost what was once there, even if the forgotten memory of Ray Abbey hung over them like a ghost, they had not been reduced to nothing, merely a blank canvas, and Fiore and all their new friends to come would hand them the brushes to their new unlife.   Now, as the battles were won, and the rewards were theirs for the taking, Argos still sits at Fiore's side, with a life of their own choosing, and only time will tell what path life leads either of the two Toreadors on. There are still many gaps in the canvas of their personhood, and many nights come and go with Argos feeling lost without a more iron hand around them, but the young kindred has faith in Fiore, faith in their ideals, and at least a little faith in themselves to keep pushing through regardless.

Gender Identity

Faced with an eternity of unlife, Argos has thrown away all notions of their old life, including clinging to any strict gender ideals. The one thing they like to do the most is dress provocatively, catching the eyes, attention, and affection of as many as they can, and feeling their stares of love or hatred in equal measure.


Argos is fully bisexual, although after their embrace they developed a strange aversion to drinking the blood of anyone who presented themselves as feminine. They still greatly enjoy their company, of course, especially the more private company that an attractive and flirtatious individual engenders, although the limits of the Kindred body leave them quite the "pillow princess" as they've explained it.


Before their embrace, Argos in their old life had just finished getting their degree at the local university, having a Bachelor's in Professional Communication with a Minor in Social Science Research Methods. In their time as a Kindred, their education has evolved to social media management as well as different avenues of art appreciation.


As an aide to Baron Fiore, Argos handles a lot of communication and outreach between not only Kindred, but the other contacts and connections Fiore keeps. While they often just sub in for the Baron when he's unavailable, Argos has forged many of their own deals and trades of their own volition and assessment. Also, their newly yet expertly forged human mask works as the Social Media Manager at Fiore's front company.

Mental Trauma

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Argos endured much in their first decade of Kindred life, as their sire used them, pushed down many human memories, and traded their body and skills as quickly as he spent his money. Even in their forgotten human years, Argos feels the pang of manipulation, coercion, and the feeling of being used. Since Fiore rescued them from their final predicament, Argos has been able to reclaim pieces of themself with the help of Fiore and their new friends, but they still keep so much hidden behind their playful veneer, and some nights find it very hard to truly be independent how they wish to be.

Intellectual Characteristics

While it is not to the same degree as their Baron, Argos has a good eye for people and, despite being very troll-ish, is rather talented at reading emotions both of the individual and the social vibe. Of course, half the time they use this talent to push the right (read: wrong) buttons or completely ignore it for the sake of their attempts at humor.   When the chips begin to fall, however, Argos is able to serious-ify their talents and get to work, especially when it comes to working out strategies for business agreements, new or reinforced.

Morality & Philosophy

Argos slots into a particular type of Kindred that doesn't have many active plots and schemes, and is content with just spending their nights freely. However, Argos actually takes this a step further, and despite their teasing and cat-like nature, do their best to not step on others' toes while being as free as they desire, and even actively enjoys helping others. In their mind, the fact that they are Kindred doesn't make them any less of a community, and shouldn't exile them from the fact that unity improves everyone's state of living, and they haven't been proven wrong yet.

Personality Characteristics


Argos is still figuring out a lot about themselves as a person, and as a free Kindred, but they are sure in the fact that they want to support Fiore and their vision for Tacoma, even if they end up being the only person who does.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Argos is good at analyzing patterns and trends, literal and social, and is rather talented at reading emotions, although they have a terrible sense of how to actually use that read information half the time, and don't actually care the other half.   They also are rather skilled at time and task management, a talent that is aided by their superhuman skills and position as the social manager of Fiore's Tacoma.

Likes & Dislikes

  • The color green
  • Soft fabrics
  • Salty and savory foods
  • Muscular people
  • Overly serious people
  • Art snobs (especially among Kindred)
  • Cold metal
  • Weird old guys


Contacts & Relations

As Fiore's social manager of sorts, Argos keeps in touch with many people, Kindred and Kine alike, and makes sure the relations stay as positive as possible. This also gives the catty Kindred plenty of connections and influence on their own, as socially their name is practically synonymous with Fiore.

Family Ties

While Argos' human family is still alive, and in the area, they disowned them long before they were embraced, so either side has no interest in seeing the other. Argos' only real family is Fiore and the other Aides.

Social Aptitude

While Argos tends to favor harmless playfulness, they are very socially apt and will switch their mood and mannerisms when needed...but only when it's needed. Otherwise, you'll be dealing with the same wisecracking, playful, almost juvenile Kindred, even at the threat of injury or final death.


Argos speaks very casually, at times bluntly, but keeps a very bright and cheerful tone, leaning into teasing when they feel the moment calls for it, which usually means it absolutely doesn't.

Wealth & Financial state

Argos makes a solid amount, enough for comfortable living by Kine standards, and their diverse set of skills and quick speed have given them plenty of resources in Kindred standards as well.
(Icon made with Bright's Picrew Hell)
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Jack of Hearts
  • Fiore's Cat
24 (Physically) 36 (Actual)
Date of Birth
May 5th
Date of Death
May 5th
1986 CE 2010 CE 24 years old
Circumstances of Death
They/Them or Any
Somewhat Feminine (Slutty Chic)
Bright Green
Dark brown, short, fluffy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale w/ facial freackles
5' 5"
110 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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