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The Anarch Movement

The unified voice of a resentful underclass.
The tears of children thrown to death by their creators.
The howls of rampant individualists who refuse to be held under a boot, no matter how shiny the glass.
These are all the voices of the Anarch Movement, a long-smoldering fire of individuality and, some might dare say, humanity that has had violent, beautiful eruptions in the past, only to be smothered back.   But, this fire could only ever be turned to smoldering, never put out for good. Because so long as there exists a higher, there shall exist a lower, and Kindred don't take kindly to being any less than top of the food chain.    


By its very nature, the Anarch system doesn't have a lot of inherent organization. It doesn't file away each Kindred into profit margins or potential kill books, it lets them flourish in their own way and let their successes or mistakes speak for themselves. There is only a small handful of any kind of official organization, the top of which is the Baron, the often suffering manager of Anarch territories. While the Baron can assign people in their own circles to particular tasks, there aren't really any hard ranks beneath Baron, for better or worse.


There's a wide variety of people considered Anarchs, as the term honestly applies to those who don't follow the rules of the Camarilla or the Sabbat. The only thing separating them from the Independent kindred is their desire to actively not cow to the Ivory Tower.   The main constant you will find among Anarchs is distaste for the Camarilla in one form or another, from true chaotic anarchists who want to burn down all they stand for to venture capitalists who would mostly be aligned if not for the restrictive policies of fealty present. The Camarilla's recent tight ban on technology makes the latter even more prevalent. Other than that, anything goes.

Public Agenda

To operate as a true Kindred society, free from the Camarilla's authoritarian ideals and the manic threats of both Kindred and Kine alike.


The First Revolt

Like many modern concepts for the Kindred, the story of the Anarch Movement starts with the First Inquisition. As holy knights and enraged peasants burned and pillaged their way across the land, Elder Kindred ran and hid, heartlessly throwing their Childer onto the stakes to buy them time. The First Anarch Revolt took place at this time, as the countless rebelling neonates were led by a Brujah who took the name of Tyler and rallied against the Kindred who would found the Camarilla, even going as far as committing Diablerie on famed Ventrue, Hardestadt the Elder.   Starting in Spain, the mere fact that Childer were even marginally successful at revolting against their Elders shook foundations, and the fires of the original Anarch movement spread.   Two notable locations would form the future of this original movement, the first being the rebellion in Italy, where Lasombra Kindred joined with the rebellion in a plot to defeat the Antediluvian (3rd generation Kindred, many of the notable ones being responsible for creating the current clans. The name means "before the flood") of their clan. Allying with the Assamites, chaos fell upon Sicily as the plot was enacted and, surprisingly, successful, with many Lasombra joining the Anarch movement in its wake.   The second notable location is the Anarch front in Romania, where a similar uprising occurred within Clan Tzimisce, with the fires of anarchy spurring many into a bloody conquest, converting those who would bend the knee and destroying those who would not, with the leader of this front, Ludoj, committing Diablerie on the Antediluvian of their clan as well (or so it seemed).   The Tzimisce brought more than just another victory, however, when they moved west to the rest of Europe. They also brought their secret of Vaulderie, which was capable of sundering the hypnotic sway of blood bonds that elders held over their childer. This did nothing but add to the chaos and the numbers of the Anarch revolt. The anarchs were a threat on the same level as the Inquisition that started this in the first place, which led to the creation of what is now known as the Camarilla.   Seven years later, however, the unified front of the Camarilla was able to maneuver against the revolt, causing heavy losses and outnumbering them as they pooled the resources they had held in western Europe for centuries. The intense fighting, however, led to the event known as The Convention of Thorns on October 23rd, 1493.   While it was a losing agreement for the Anarchs, it did place them on somewhat of an equal footing with the rest of the Camarilla, on paper at least, and many joined with the new formation with the promise of equal responsibility and respect with their peers. Many were not satisfied, however, especially among the Lasbomra and Tzimisce, who were fueled with rage against the trappings of these Kindred, beginning to believe them under the sway of their Antediluvian progenitors, rather than their true Kindred nature.   Hearing those clan names, perhaps it is not surprising to guess what happened next: The remnants of the Anarchs who despised the Camarilla created their own sect. The first Anarchs left to become The Sabbat.  

The Second Revolt

Despite the agreement, many Anarchs did not side with the Camarilla or the Sabbat and would continue to run in self-isolated packs for centuries. Many liberation movements and rebellions, such as the French Revolution, had these Anarchs in the crowd or even at the head, but due to human error or Kindred maneuvering, they never reached the highs of the first revolt.   The next true victory of the Anarchs wouldn't come until the 1940's. Following the failed French Revolution, many anarchs made their way to America, and following the routes of interest came to the west coast. Watching the number of Anarchs climb and climb, the Camarilla installed a Prince in Los Angeles, the most prominent gathering among them, in the form of Prince Don Sebastian. He largely ignored the Anarchs, however, remarking them with disdain or disinterest.   But, as key influential figures wormed their way into the city, Don Sebastian finally took note of the discontent, and in 1944 called for one such influential figure, the now-famous Jeremy MacNeil, to be savagely attacked to near-torpor, wanting to scare him away without martyring him. This would be his final error, however, as this gave MacNeil the final piece of fuel for the fire of a new revolt.   On December 21st, 1944, the Second Anarch Revolt began in Los Angeles, with weeks being spent on espionage and rallying, gathering forces and information on where all the elders of the city slept. In one brutal, bloody night, a majority of elders were killed, the rest were smart enough to flee, and Prince Sebastian who had always been more concerned with status than effective leadership was slain by MacNeil's ally and fellow leader of the Revolt, Salvador García (so the story goes).   The fires of this Revolt raged onward, fueled by this victory. While they were repelled by the Camarilla in San Francisco due to Prince Vannevar Thomas, in just three months they took control of the western coast from San Jose to the Mexican border, forming The Anarch Free States, a state that still exists against all odds. While it is by no means a perfect society, and beasts can only be cowed so much when fear is not their ruler, the leaders of this second Revolt made this to be a true example of a Camarilla-free society for Kindred, inspiring and setting an example for many others.  

Anarch History in Tacoma

Kindred-wise, Tacoma has never been the site for much notable history. While the world of the Kine has many highlights, such as influential movie theaters, revolutionary forms of travel, and infamous periods of civil unrest, Kindred society has always been more willing to feed off of Kine's advancement rather than play a part in it themselves. Sure there have been nudges here and there, but it's never been the proper breeding ground of Kindred society.   Therefore, there's never been the highs of internal sect unrest that Los Angeles or Europe has had. In the past, before the steady decline of Tacoma's influence rendered their own influence null, many of the Kindred who based themselves in the city were somewhat centrist in the grand scheme of things. The Masquerade and the traditions were still paramount, of course, but without an intense pre-established chain of tradition in the region, there was more breathing room to draw one's own lines.   When the influence of those Kindred waned and was finally snuffed, not every Kindred went quietly into that night, especially when it was realized that the Camarilla of Seattle was going to treat the city as another piece of their domain, and as a dumping ground for the undesirables they couldn't simply kill. This sparked unrest and disobedience from those Kindred who weren't willing to be garbagemen or lapdogs for their superiors, creating the Anarch-esque rebellion that they had no reason to hold before.   But time was on the Anarch's side, as this gentle takeover of their land happened after the great victory in Los Angeles, after the founding of The Anarch Free States, and many Kindred were not ready to sit on their laurels, with many making their way up the coast. After several failed attempts in Portland, these active Anarchs decided it would be better to claim territory in Washington and coordinate a pincer attack instead, and started to make their way into Tacoma.   This included the Kindred Fintan Breen, an Irish-born Ventrue who had rebelled against his Camarilla sire during the Second Revolt, and the spearhead for those Anarchs who wished to push onward and upward. A brash yet charismatic man, he was responsible for nurturing the smoldering flames even in the darkest of nights and used his connections and skills to get more Anarchs into the city and into safety once they made it there, increasing their numbers exponentially.   From the 1960s through the 1990s, the number of Anarchs merely rose and rose, and the Camarilla of Tacoma didn't pay them much mind until it was too late to stop it. But, not wishing to repeat the mistake of Prince Sebastian, they decided that it was best to install an actual figurehead of power, and one who wouldn't just stop at making an example. Enter: Vincent Gravenstein.   A Nosferatu with the subtly of a brick through a window and as cultured as one too, his allegiance with the Camarilla was always one of convenience and comfort more than anything, but with the unrest in Tacoma, he was seen to be reliable for two things. First, he didn't care enough outside of his own well-being to interrupt the Camarilla's intentions, so long as they stayed out of his way. Second, he'd have all the brutality and finality that Sebastian didn't, and wouldn't let the Anarchs have their way.   Within his first month as Prince of Tacoma, 60 Anarchs met their final deaths at his hands. The last of these deaths, in a public debate turned execution, was Fintan himself.   But he was prepared for this outcome and used the story of MacNeil to light a new fire with the final sparks of his unlife, saying that if he were to die, it was because the Camarilla knew they were a threat.   However, for all the fire and passion that existed, the Camarilla was able to pay it back in resources and fear, turning the battle of the sects into a dull, chaotic stalemate that persisted from the mid-90s to 2019, when the Sabbat snuck their way into Tacoma's ports and initiated their attack.    But, the chaos created the perfect opportunity. As the Camarilla were either killed or fled back to their safety in Seattle, it gave the Anarchs the reason and ability to gather and unify in a way that not even Fintan was able to manage, second perhaps only to MacNeil's original revolt. This time led by Fiore Choi-Yun and their coterie, the Anarchs came under one banner, and stood tall enough to even negotiate with the Camarilla for the sole purpose of wiping out the Sabbat.   This unified front performed a sequence of coordinated attacks and incursions known as The Final Nights, and against all odds succeeded in wiping out the Sabbat from Tacoma. However, once the dust settled on that act, the Camarilla tried to wrestle control of the region back into their court. This, however, was doomed to fail, as the Anarchs were gathered, they were powerful, and they knew they could win. Coupled with the Camarilla's many losses in the battle, and their absolute exhaustion with Tacoma in general, this led the Anarchs to finally take the power of the city for themselves.  

Modern Nights

In 2012, a new revolt began. At the Convention of Prague, the Camarilla and Anarchs gathered to discuss the rise of the Second Inquisition, with history repeating itself for many, especially as it seemed Elders were hiding again and throwing their Childer onto the flames, only this time armed with tactical airstrikes and incendiary rounds.   The Anarchs put forth the idea that the Camarilla were to blame, as they were the ones meddling too much with the world government and using them just to get rid of petty rivals. Meanwhile, the Camarilla claimed that it was the Anarchs who were at fault for their lack of mandated restraint and use of modern technology and social media. This discussion went absolutely nowhere, and in the heat of it all, the Brujah clan finally had enough of the Camarilla.   Theo Bell, a prominent figure of the Brujah clan with the Camarilla, killed Hardestat the Younger, and many deaths came from the revolt of almost the entire clan in attendance. At its conclusion, the Brujah officially left the Camarilla, declaring that they were siding with the Anarchs. This has led to the modern political climate between the two, as the Camarilla, especially the Ventrue, declared war on the Anarchs, who they had (some might say condescendingly) still claimed were really Camarilla at the end of the day, as all Kindred are Camarilla of course.   While this new era of Revolt is still broiling, many key locations are being won by the Anarchs, such as fully taking over Berlin, the Anarch Free States beating back the Camarilla and Second Inquisition, and in a much smaller yet notable victory, the Kindred of Tacoma ending a decades-long stalemate for their side.


When the Second Anarch Revolt broke out and won Los Angeles for the Anarchs, a set of six ideals were drafted up by the leaders to help focus the empowered Kindred in a document called the Status Perfectus. The principles are as follows:
  1. We declare ourselves to be free and independent, owing allegiance to no creature and no organization.
  2. We declare our ability to rule ourselves, with no prince, no primogen and no other ruler other than that we choose for ourselves.
  3. We declare our kinship with oppressed Kindred everywhere and offer a home to all Kindred of all generations and clans who will agree to dwell in harmony with us.
  4. We further accept our responsibility to our oppressed brothers and sisters everywhere and pledge to assist them at all times and in all places in their own struggle for the freedom that we declare to be the birthright of all Kindred, from now until the end of time.
  5. We recognize our responsibility to maintain the Masquerade, and we pledge to protect and defend it.
  6. We establish this Status Perfectus and recognize its duty to all Kindred.
Founding Date
Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
The Unbound
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Related Ranks & Titles
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