The Hooded Fool

The inn is a one story stone-walled building, with a heather-thatched roof and a large cellar. Accomodations consist of several small rooms with wooden cots. The inn is widely known for its adventuring patrons.   Menu Hazelnut Bread and Bitter Cheese, Mug of Stout (5 cp) Roasted Carrot, Mug of Mead (5 cp) Barley Bread and Whey Cheese, Mug of Stout (4 cp) Boiled Eggs and Blue Cheese, Tankard of Perry (10 cp) Smoked Carp and Dried Peas, Tankard of Mead (10 cp) Dried Pork and Rye Biscuits, Tankard of Bitter (11 cp) Stewed Mutton and Dried Lentils, Tankard of Ale (11 cp)   Patrons Arrad: Female Dwarf Scholar. Arrad is slender, with golden hair and brown eyes. She wears well-made clothing and carries a fine stiletto.     Marget: Female Halfling Peasant. Marget is thin, with golden hair and amber eyes. She wears modest garments and carries a long knife.   Ararl: Female Halfling Scofflaw. Ararl is rough in appearance, with uneven silver hair and sharp blue eyes. She wears well-made clothing and carries a long knife.   Amult: Male Elf Peasant. Amult is overweight, with cropped golden hair and large blue eyes. He wears travel-stained clothing and carries a long knife.   Cily: Female Halfling Professional. Cily is short and heavyset, with silver hair and dark brown eyes. She wears fine clothing and numerous rings.

Purpose / Function

Stopping point for starting adventurer's and common folk travelers.


Stone walls and large root cellar.
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Articles under The Hooded Fool