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Bay of Mirithys

Located on the eastern coast of Vraelia, the Bay of Mirithys is a body of water within northeastern Dranya connected to the ocean known as the Azure Expanse. Named for the Elder Dragon Mirithys, who's strongly associated with water, tranquility, and adaptability in the Draceist faith, the Bay of Mirithys is known for it's tranquil landscapes, which shelter it from the conditions of the wider ocean beyond, and contributed to the establishment of the Drakai port city of Tia'nith on its banks.


The Bay of Mirithys is a large body of water surrounded by slightly mountainous terrain, with a rocky mouth leading out into the connecting ocean and a few small woods near its west and south. The Bay of Mirithys is especially well known for it's natural beauty, particularly its clear blue waters which, thanks to the geography of the bay largely sheltering it from the conditions of the Azure Expanse, remain almost completely placid at all times of the year. This feature of the bay has made it extremely appealing for sailors, who can safely dock their ships in the bay without worrying about being affected by the conditions of the wider ocean beyond.

Localized Phenomena

While the Bay of Mirithys is almost completely shielded from the conditions the Azure Expanse, it can get foggy during the cooler months (the closed-in nature of the landscape is said to play a role in this weather phenomenon).


The Bay of Mirithiys is largely temperate all year long,with only minute shifts in temperature during the colder and warmer months.

Natural Resources

The Bay of Mirithys has an abundant supply of fish in its waters, and wood can be gathered from the nearby woods.


The Bay of Mirithys has seen many visitors over the years, including visitors to the city of Tia'nith, fishers, sightseers, and sailors stopping over while waiting out a passing storm on the ocean.
Alternative Name(s)
Mirithys' Embrace, The Blue Haven
Location under
Owning Organization


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