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Sitting on the west coast of the island of Andarea, Cartadoba is the capital of the kingdom of Navalonia. Renowned as a city of merchants and sailors, Cartadoba serves as a hub for trade throughout the Naitan Sea. With its many trade connections, as well as its position as the centre of power of Navalonia, Cartadoba has become one of the wealthiest and most powerful cities in the Naitan Sea.


Cartadobas population consists predominantly of humans, though members of other races aren't an uncommon sight. The most common occupations practised within the city are merchants, sailors, and diplomats.


The city of Cartadoba is ruled by the reigning Navalonian monarch. All taxes collected within the city are put towards maintaining its infrastructure, particularly its ships, harbours, and shipyards, with the remainder being stored in the treasury.


Cartadoba has a large stone wall facing towards the sea that surrounds the harbour, with a gate that can be raised and lowered to control naval access.

Industry & Trade

Cartadoba trades extensively with the other major cities of Navalonia, and even more so with mainland Imera.


Cartadoba has a network of stone roads running throughout the city, as well as connecting it to the other major cities throughout the island of Andarea. There's also a large square and marketplace where business is conducted, and a large harbour and shipyard where ships are held and repaired.


Cartadoba has numerous trade routes connecting it with mainland Imera, as well as a large marketplace, and a large port with numerous ships docked within.

Guilds and Factions

The Naitan Merchants Guild: Also known as the Naitan Trading Company, the Naitan Merchants Guild is one of the most influential groups in the Naitan Sea, as well as the settlements bordering it. Originally formed in the Myrellian city of Carran, this group has since expanded to have a large holding within Cartadoba. With its large fleet of ships and access to several lucrative trade connections, the Cartadoban branch of the Guild is considered to be one of the groups wealthiest branches.


The city of Cartadoba sees many visitors from throughout eastern Imera and some parts of Xuria, mainly merchants, though sightseers aren't an uncommon sight.


The buildings of Cartadoba are built from white stone and wood, with building of higher importance being more impressively built.


Cartadoba sits on the west coast of Andarea, with sandy beaches and slightly hilly fields surrounding it.

Natural Resources

Due to its coastal location, Cartodaba has access to various oceanic resources, mainly fish.
Location under
Owning Organization


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