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Khoris (Koh-Riss)

The Grey Shepard

Khoris is a member of the Elari, a group of divine beings formed by the Creator at the dawn of time to act as stewards over the fundamental forces of Creation. As the Elari of Mortality, Khoris is responsible for maintaining the cycle of life and death that all living beings are bound to, sheparding new souls into the Mortal Realm and guiding the souls of the departed into the Hereafter. While their association with mortality has given them a somewhat grim reputation among the mortal races of Taeva, Khoris is nonetheless revered for the role they play in ensuring the continued survival of all life, and their close ties to both life and death has also resulted in them becoming associated with the concept of transitions.

Divine Domains

Mortality, shadows, time, outcasts, and transitions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A butterfly with black wings and white markings.

Tenets of Faith

  • Pay proper respect to the fallen, honour their memory, and help them find rest.
  • Value life, both yours and others.
  • Tend to the downtrodden and outcast.
  • Destroy undead creatures, and bring those who meddle in the Cycle to justice.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Khoris is dedicated to maintaining the balance of Mortality within the universe, ensuring that new souls find their way to the Mortal Realm, and ensuring that the living pass on at their proper time.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Khoris has a tall, thin humanoid body completely covered in a dark robe.

Body Features

Khoris is completely covered in a long dark robe, and it's believed that their body underneath is made entirely from shadow.

Facial Features

Khoris' head is covered by a dark hood and a pale, featureless mask with shadowy eye holes that shift in expression like an organic face. Additionally, there are two streams of darkness emerging from under their hood on either side of their face in a manner similar to hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Besides their shadowy body, Khoris is identified by the large pair of dark butterfly wings extending from his back.

Special abilities

As the Elari of mortality and shadow, Khoris has a number of shadow based abilities, including the ability to create thick clouds of obscuring darkness, creating weapons, creatures, and other constructs of solidified darkness, summoning the spectres of the deceased for aid, instantly slaying an enemy, and draining away the lifeforce of others (though he's hesitant to use the latter two abilities outside of dire circumstances). Additionally, Khoris has some time-based abilities, including the ability to trap others in bubbles of time, delaying the effects of certain actions, and shortening the lifespan of others. Due to their divine nature, these abilities aren't limited by Aether, allowing him to use them freely.

Apparel & Accessories

Khoris is commonly seen wearing a long, dark robe that covers their entire body. However, some stories claim that he has an alternate form coverd by bits of pale, bone-like armour, though this depiction is limited to stories of the Ordering of early Creation.

Specialized Equipment

Khoris is typically seen wielding a staff, a scythe, or sickles (usually in pairs) made from shadow, though they can change them into whatever other tools/weapons they feel they need.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

As the Elari of Mortality, Khoris is the most neutral among their fellows, with the protection of the cycle of life and death being their most foremost concern. Despite his neutrality, Khoris also wishes to make the passing of those who've reached the end of their time as peaceful as possible, and some tales claim that he has a strong enmity for those who are unappreciative of life. Additionally, perhaps out of sympathy borne of his own unappreciatted role in maintaining Creation, Khoris is said to watch over outcasts.


Due to their dedication to maintaining the balance between life and death, Khoris is strongly opposed to anything that would disrupt this balance, such as those seeking immortality or attempting to raise the dead. For this reason, Khoris has a strong dislike for necromancy and its practitioners, though they seem to approve of its use by the Dark Elves in helping restless spirits pass on.

Personality Characteristics


As a being tied to both mortality and time, Khoris is motivated to safeguard the cycle of life and death from those who would seek to disrupt it.



Khoris speaks in a low, whispery voice, often in short sentences.
Divine Classification
Divine Guardian
Circumstances of Birth
Formed by the Creator from a shard of their divine essence.
Solid black
Long, pitch black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pitch black robe and pale white mask, with a body presumably made entirely of shadow underneath
Aligned Organization