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Lumen Pendant

The Lumen Pendants are small silver amulets sculpted in the shape of the holy symbol of the Church of the Radiant Saints (an eight-pointed starburst surrounded by five round points), and the most recognisable identifier of the Churches faithful. While the common folk carry such amulets with them more out of a sense of comfort, those among the clergy of the Church, particularly Clerics, have imbued theirs with protective blessings, allowing them and their allies to carry out the mission of their faith with little fear of harm.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Among the Clergy of the Radiant Church, the Lumenite used in the construction of their Lumen Pendants allows them to more easily apply blessings to them.

Manufacturing process

While common Lumen Pendants are crafted in a similar manner as most other pendants and similar items available for the common folk, those used by clerics and the clergy of the Church include the additional step of placing a blessing (the divine equivalent of an enchantment) on the Pendant, ussually one that is protective in nature.


Lumen Pendants are considered to be significant artifacts of the Radiant Church, and while owning one is not a requirement for the faithful, many still own one out of a sense of comfort.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Owning Organization
While Lumen Pendants are readily available to the common citizenry, those used by the clergy of the Church are made from rarer, more valuable materials.
Raw materials & Components
Lumen Pendants are crafted from silver, with those used by the clergy and Lightbearer Clerics having gold and Lumenite mixed in.
Lumen Pendants are crafted using the same tools used by silversmiths and jewelers, though those made from materials like Lumenite require more specialised tools.


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Aug 7, 2024 15:06

I like this concept for a few reasons: Firstly, it's efficiently written and secondly, the concept is similar to a pendent (Deither) I created for my world. Great minds right?

Aug 8, 2024 22:17

It would certainly seem so! Thank you so much for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed reading this!

Aug 29, 2024 05:54

Interesting item! I find it's similar to one of my items, the Sun Catcher, in terms of themes with light, but also completely different. I'd be interested in a little bit of history about how this item came to be.

Aug 29, 2024 06:20

Thank you so much for the reply! The history of these items is intrinsically tied to the history of the Radiant Church. It's said that the enchanted versions of the pendants were created first under the guidance of the Founding Saint, Aione, to protect early members of the faith as they set out to spread their doctrine, with the more mundane versions becoming more commonplace as the faith grew more widespread.