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The Way of the Mountainfather

The Way of the Mountainfather is the dominant faith of the Dwarves of northern Imera, both above ground and within The Dark Hollows. Centered around Ordnir, the Elari of Earth, as well as the lesser Elari related to him, the Way of the Mountainfather was established to honour the role they played in their creation, as well as to champion the traits of diligence, honesty, and resilience. These teachings are deeply ingrained within Dwarven culture, and are responsible for shaping many of its aspects, including their work ethic and skill at the art of craftsmanship.


High Mountainspeaker: Sometimes known as the "Voice of the Mountain", they are considered to be the defacto leader of the faith as a whole.
High Priest/ess: Responsible for leading the faith in their region, often leading the lergest temple in the region.
Priest/ess: Responsible for leading the faith in their local temple.
Acolyte: Newly initiated members of the priesthood, responsible for assisting the Priest/Priestess of their temple.

Other Terms
Stonecaller: A title goven to Clerics (those capable of using Divine Magic) aligned with the Way of the Mountainfather, more specifically those who draw their power from Ordnir, the Elari of Earth, as well as Dueryn and Nunir, two lesser Elari associatted with magma and gems, respectively. Stonecallers can hold any rank within the faith (often finding themselves in positions of leadership), and are expected to take the most direct role in defending and strengthening the faith at home and abroad.


The followers of the Way of the Mountainfather strive to live their lives by the virtues embodied by Ordnir and his related lesser Elari, and inspire others to do follow in their footsteps. Unsurprisingly, this has made the followers of the Way of the Mountainfather one of the most industrious faiths in Taeva, and they are encouraged to use that industriousness to help others.

Public Agenda

The Way of the Mountainfather was established in order to honour the role Ordnir and the lesser Elari related to him played in the creation of the Dwarves, as well as to guide its followers in living by the virtues they embody.


The Way of the Mountainfather has a number of temples throughout the Dwarven nation of Durfaehn, with each city having at least one, as well as the support of the many clans that make up Dwarven society.

Mythology & Lore

The Allfather and the Elari: The story of the Creator (known to the Dwarves as the "Allfather") and how they first shaped Creation from the void, how they formed the Elari from their own essence to order and watch over the forces of Creation, and the roles they played in the Creators grand design, with a particular focus on Ordnir.
Ordnir and the Earth Elari: Stories focusing on the Empyrean Elari Ordnir, as well as the two Divine Elari Dueryn and Nunir, and the various deeds associatted with them.
The Creation of the Dwarves: The story of the creation of the Dwarves at by Ordnir, as well as their early history, including their possible relation with the Giants.

Divine Origins

The Way of the Mountainfather is believed to have descended from the early spiritual practices of the early Dwarves, which only truly became codified into an organised faith around the time of High King Thurim Aenarek, first High King of the Dwarves.

Cosmological Views

Like the other faiths of Taeva, the Way of the Mountainfather holds that the universe was first formed by the Allfather (the Dwarven name for the Creator), who was also responsible for creating the divine spirits known as the Elari to order and steward the fundamental forces of Creation. In particular, the Way of the Mountainfather venerates Ordnir, the Elari of Earth, as the most significant of the Elari for his role in creating both the Dwarves and the mountains and caves they call home, as well as the lesser Elari Dueryn and Nunir for teaching them several of the skills and traits that would come to define the Dwarves, including craftsmanship and resilience.

Tenets of Faith

We were born of the earth, and will one day return to the earth: While this tenet refers to the fact that the Dwarves were created by Ordnir, the Elari of Earth, it also teaches the faithful to remember that their time in the Mortal World is finite, and to respect the mountainous lands they were once crafted from.

The Mountain bows to no storm: Just as the mountains are impervious to all but the most powerful of natural phenomena, so too should the faithful remain resilient no matter how hard thing may get.

Observe the same care and diligence the Mountainfather showed in our creation in all that you do: No matter how great or small the undertaking, the faithful are expected to show nothing less than their best effort in all that they do.

Carve your story into the face of the world: It's by the legacy they leave behind that the faithful are remembered, and they must live lives worthy of being remembered for generations to come.

Honour and respect the stories upon which ours are built: It's the efforts, achievements, and sacrifices of those who came before that have shaped the world as it is now, and the faithful must always remember to honour and respect their memory.


The Way of the Mountainfather teaches that being diligent in all that you do, remaining resilient through even the most trying of times, leading a life worth remembering by others, and honouring the legacy and memory of those who came before you are integral to leading a righteous life.


There are a number of temples throughout Durfaehn where the faithful can congregate to listen to the teachings of the local priest/ess. Additionally, nearly every Dwarven home has a small personal shrine where they can practice their faith from home, typically through prayer.


The Way of the Mountainfather is lead by numerous priests and priestesses, with the Major Clan Baldhur in particular being known for counting a number of them among their ranks. A priest may only be promoted to a higher rank within the faith by a priest of higher authority than themselves, with only the most senior among them being allowed to rise to the rank of High Mountainspeaker.

Priests/Priestesses are identified by their grey and white robes, which are adorned with the same blocky designs seen in Dwarven architecture and art, with those of higher ranking often having silver embelishments. Stonecaller Clerics wear similar robes, though typically melded with armour for added protection, given the expectation for them to venture out into the wider world.

Granted Divine Powers

Among the clergy of the Way of the Mountainfather, some are capable of becoming Stonecallers, Clerics blessed with the ability to use the divine magic of Ordnir, the Elari of Earth. These Stonecallers are able to use their earth-aligned divine magic to reshape the earth and stone around them, including creating barriers, creating stone structures, creating protective "shells" of earth around themselves, and firing boulders at enemies, as well as some earth-adjacent abilities, such as strengthening the resilience of themselves and their allies, or mending metal items. Like all divine magics, however, these abilities may be taken away if the Stonecaller misuses them.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Way of the Mountainfather is considered an integral part of Dwarven life, both within Durfaehn and beyond, and plays an important role in many of their traditions and rituals (the High Mountainspeaker always presides over the interment of the previous High King and Queen within The Hall of Kings, for instance). Additionally, the Major Clan Baldhur has become renowned for producing many of the priests that serve the faith, contributing greatly to their influence.


The Shapers of the Forgemother: A group within the Way of the Mountainfather that focuses on following the ideals of Dueryn, the Elari of Earthly Fire (Magma). Due to her associattion with smithing, the Shapers consider the act of creation, regardless of what is being created, to be one of the greatest acts of reverence for the Elari and the Allfather.

As everlasting as the Mountains

Religious, Organised Religion
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