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Angene Ammatig

In the dust-kissed city of Sabellis, nestled within the well-trodden lanes, stands a small apothecary shop, scarcely noticeable but for the faint scent of herbs wafting from its aged wooden doors. Its keeper, Angene Ammatig, a woman of gentle demeanor and plain looks, tends to her work with practiced efficiency. Born to Calian and the town of Ghourvinter in the Goisyllow, a bastion of Navirdic culture, Angene’s roots are steeped in the whispers of a proud heritage that is only remembered in the lilting words of the Goi Davur language.   Raised under the watchful eyes of the Congregation of the Ascended, Angene received her training in the art of healing. It was a simple, unadorned education, taught by nuns whose hands bore the calluses of their trade: tending the sick, stitching wounds, offering comfort in their humble manner. While she carries no deep understanding of complex medical theories, Angene possesses a profound belief in the healing power of her trade, the salves and potions she concocts a testament to her faith.  
by midjourney
  Despite her immersion in the world of healing, Angene herself carries a palpable sense of remoteness, a detachment from the world that betrays an unseen wound. Her journey to Sabellis was not motivated by ambition or an adventurous spirit, but rather an aimless drifting, as if she were a leaf carried by the winds of fate, searching for a place to mend her unseen wounds.   Her spoken Draksi, honed to perfection, belies her Goisyllow origin, the result of her journey through lands far from her own, tracing a solitary path. Angene’s soft-spoken nature and the air of quiet mystery that surrounds her only adds to the enigma that she is. Yet, those who step into her humble shop and experience her healing hands can feel a flicker of her resilience, a silent testament to her unspoken story.


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