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Elantion, the esteemed Assessor of Trade on The Council of Landezon's Chamber of Finances, is a mage of The Berythian Tradition, anchored firmly in the Column of Eadthuum, the element of Earth. His earthbound essence infuses a grounded sensibility into his dealings with numbers and negotiations, tracing a direct line from his humble peasant beginnings to the lofty heights of economic stewardship.   He hails from the Duchy of Romisbanian, where his early acuity for maths and his firm pragmatism, qualities highly prized by the Eadthuum, led him from a simple trader's apprentice to the esteemed Assessor of Trade. This ascent, though impressive, has not distanced Elantion from his roots. His respect for the hardworking peasantry remains a cornerstone of his values, a sentiment reflected in his actions as Assessor. He is the highest-ranking Bonneru person to have achieved such an elevated post within the Council, and on account of his heritage has developed a strong empathy for oppressed groups.  
by midjourney
  While the pulse of politics and the ebb and flow of trade command his attention, it is his connection to the common folk, the lifeblood of Landezon, that remains paramount. Elantion is no stranger to the grand halls of power, but he eschews the trappings of hobnobbery, preferring meaningful exchanges to superficial small talk.   Among his friends and contacts, Baron Berython Syikti holds a special place. They share a history that spans back to their early trading days, a bond cemented by shared experiences and mutual respect. Their friendship has weathered countless political storms and economic uncertainties, the strength of their bond a testament to their shared values.   However, Elantion, ever the pragmatist, nurses an uncharacteristic quirk. He has a taste for rare and exotic cheeses, an indulgence that stands at odds with his otherwise restrained demeanor. This peculiar penchant has become something of an open secret in the Council, adding a layer of endearing eccentricity to his public persona.


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