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The Bonneru arguably are Draksineon's oldest inhabitants, having tilled its golden fields long before Drakoyan conquests defined national borders. They identify their particular native homeland as the Duchy of Romisbanian. They are lighter-skinned than their Drakoyan hosts, making them easily identifiable. Ultimately they are of northern origin, though this connection is lost to deep time.   During the early years of the Old Empire (1501-1212), the Bonneru’s resistance to Drakoyan leadership compelled the newly arrived overlords to deny them many legal freedoms, an act which among other things limited social roles within the culture to those of farmers or slaves, establishing a status quo that held for centuries. Overhauls of legal codes during The Reconstruction period (362-Present) abolished slavery, sparing Bonneru the worst of this ancient legacy, but even in today’s enlightened climate there remains an invisible ceiling on accomplishment for those of their race, reinforced by prevailing views that they are somewhat simple-minded.   Pushing back against convention, pioneering Bonneru continue to carve out new spaces for their people; many now occupy positions in crafting and fine arts, fields which prejudicial guild rules had traditionally prevented them from entering. A mercantile system dynamized by the opening of recent trade routes has even permitted those on farms to export their wares and build businesses, differing from strictly feudal fiefdoms where retaining personal profit was next to impossible.   The very wealthiest Bonneru business owner is Orobim Erdos Fli, who lives in Sabellis City in a massive manor in the Crossed Swords district, on a road named after him. As the owner of the highly successful Paradise Textiles, his influence has been singularly helpful in making life better for his people.  
by Midjourney
Above: Bonneru workers at Paradise Textiles, owned by Orobim Erdos Fli.
  Though farming was considered base by the Drakoyans, Bonneru of ages past were not just an agrarian people, but considered tending the land a holy rite – so much so that landowners acted as priests. Known as Ulats, these figures made offerings to now-pagan gods and observed a rigid liturgical calendar to ensure crop success and felicitous progression of the seasons.   All this would be a quaint historical footnote if aspects of this nature-based religion had not made their way into modern practice. These days, Bonneru, as most folk across the Continent, belong to the Congregation of the Ascended, but a few odd vestiges distinguish their worship: The Grand Festivals of Eterri and Inoryi, respectively ushering in Spring and Fall, are of special importance to Bonneru, who are known to make effigies during both holidays out of wheat and barley. Tales of Wood Fox, an otherworldly character renown for his wits and tricking humans, are also recounted in the evenings of Inoryi. And every Apparan, the first day of the Hazatien week during which Church services are conducted, Bonneru make Sour Berry Soup for dinner – a dish symbolizing the bittersweet joys of spiritual life.   These practices helped the Bonneru retain a sense of dignity after Drakoyan law designated harvesting as a lowly chore, rather than a noble calling. Though they represent only a small fraction of what once was, and only what the Church did not take exception to, they were critically important. However they continue to underscore the sense of otherness in the eyes of many mainstream faithful.   Aside from having lighter skin, as mentioned above, Bonneru are detected by the darker palette they tend to favour, which contrasts starkly with Drakoyan flamboyance. They wear simple clothing, but as an extension of shared cultural values towards austerity, not because they can’t afford anything better (though that’s also true).   They drink Edef - a strong, moonshine-like drink – though only certain taverns serve it. Mostly it is made at home, from a plant which other cultures have no use for (and often find vile), called daagroot, grown in domestic gardens.  
by Midjourney
Above: A group of Bonneru men and women drink Edef.
  The Bonneru language is audibly different from Draksi, the nation’s lingua franca – earthier, full of harsh consonants. 2 million people speak it, compared with 8 million for whom Draksi is a mother tongue. Despite this large population, the sound of Bonneru continues on as the language of the tavern and other lowbrow institutions due to ethnic diminution.   Recognizing that sheer numbers give Bonneru power, champions of social justice in Romisbanian have organized a group called the Parim League, which lobbies presiding governments, i.e. the Parliament of Leaves, for equal rights. A very few extremists among them advocate for a separate Bonneru territory.   (Metagame: Bonneru characters can obviously expect some uphill battles.)


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