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The Gwi'bo are a resilient and hardy people that call home the icy realm of Shagirrin - a frigid territory of barren crags and relentless winds, where survival is a constant battle against nature's fury. Amidst bone-chilling cold and unyielding landscapes, the Gwi'bo have here forged a culture that values strength, endurance, and a deep connection to the land. Economic life revolves around hunting and fishing, skills necessary to sustain their existence in a place where resources are minimal; key commodities include frostberries, a hardy fruit with medicinal properties, and the pelts of the elusive snow linsang, a creature prized for its luxurious fur.   Gwi'bo are masterful craftsmen, transforming bone and other scavenged materials into practical tools and intricate artworks, creations reflecting a high level of craftsmanship and a deep cultural heritage.   Most Gwi'bo came to Shagirrin - northern even for the standards of this frosty continent - for one of two reasons: to help the lords of Cerlin keep a foothold here, or because they sought a simpler, more nature-based existence.   People of the former type tend to be concentrated in Cwenth, the Colmerhæd-speaking "capital" (though it's about as big as the Mirhn-populated settlement, Halthwi) and share political and economic stakes in Shagirrin's industries, trading heavily with Cerlin and surrounding territories. They've developed a reputation as being somewhat pompous among those living outside of Cwenth.   The latter section of Gwi'bo form part of a narrower movement within the The Old Tradition - Kəð Sisˈga, whose practices align with practices of the land-worshipping Mirhn more than those of larger and more urban centres back home. While the giants of Mirhn mythology do not figure in their own ancestral tales, they happily celebrate with their Aggir-speaking compatriots on feast days dedicated to the slumbering titans, in spiritual solidarity as much as for the love of associated food and drink. These Gwi'bo are likelier to plant roots in northern settlements like Curickey and Cillamerain, away from more heavily settled centres, or in Halthwi, which has a higher Mirhn population.

Cover image: Arctic Sunrise, Sjursnes on Ullsfjord near Tromso, Norway by Diana Robinson


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