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Jhaemes Iron

Jhaemes Iron's journey from the son of a skilled tradesman in the Ore Quarter to a successful entertainment arranger in Callintem is a story that starts with an accident.  
by midjourney
  It all happened when he was copying manuscripts at the Records-House, in the city's Drunkenpotter district. One day, a clumsy scribe tipped over an ink pot, spoiling a number of manuscripts including a copy of a popular play. The incident, while messy, gave Jhaemes a chance to read and appreciate the play as he was tasked to copy it again. Fascinated by the witty dialogue and dramatic scenarios, he became enamored with the world of performance and entertainment. He spent his spare time seeking out performances in the city, gradually becoming a familiar face in the entertainment circles of Callintem.   One day, while chatting with a troupe of musicians he'd befriended, he learned they were having trouble finding gigs. On a whim, he offered to help them, leveraging his knowledge of the city and its inhabitants to find them a booking. He found he had a knack for this – not only did he enjoy the work, but he was also good at it, negotiating fair prices and ensuring the performers were treated well. Word spread, and soon other entertainers were approaching him for help.   That's how he found himself in the unusual line of work of arranging entertainment for parties and banquets. Despite his unexpected career path, he honored his father's industrious spirit by applying the same level of dedication to his new vocation as his father did to his craft, even achieving a level of success wherein he found himself sparring against noble lords with similar interests in supporting young talent. There was a particular instance with a certain Viscount Moros Torla surrounding the booking of troubadour of renown, Souzhane Marcato, that to this day get Jhaemes fuming when recalled in polite company.   Jhaemes's tendency to tell jokes mid-conversation might stem from his immersion in the world of entertainment, where timing and humor are valuable assets. However, in the political sphere, this trait was less appreciated. His joke-telling, coupled with his frank opinions on city management, may have won him some supporters, but it also alienated more traditional voters, contributing to his lack of success in his bids for city council.   Despite his social eccentricities and political failures, Jhaemes Iron is a respected figure in Callintem's entertainment scene, a testament to his tenacity and the city's appreciation for a good show.


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