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Viscount Moros Torla

Viscount Moros Torla is an eccentric aristocrat hailing from the opulent city of Signian, located in the Duchy of Castamomera within Draksineon. Despite being a scion of a noble Drakoyan family, Moros possesses a restless spirit that chafes against the stifling confines of his privileged upbringing. A man of many interests and possessing a curious mind, he developed a fascination for the arts, particularly music, at a young age, spurred by the enchanting performances of the bards at court.   Moros is a man of exceptional intellect with a unique flair for the arts, and he quickly grew bored with the traditional music of the Sabellian court. He yearned for something raw, something that captured the vibrant energy and chaos of the world outside his gilded cage. And thus, he began his search for unique musical talent in the most unlikely places - the taverns of the less affluent districts, the bustling markets, and the boisterous fairs.  
by midjourney
  On one such escapade to the smoky, industry-filled city of Callintem, in Sabellis province, he encountered Souzhane Marcato. Her wild, free-spirited music enthralled him. He saw in her the very rawness and authenticity he had been searching for. Thus, he offered to become her patron, funding her band and facilitating their tours across the country, and in return, he sought only the joy of watching a unique talent flourish.   His fascination with Souzhane's music eventually brought him into the orbit of fringe wizards belonging to the Order of the Unravelling Mind, and his instant fascination with the group made him a somewhat controversial figure in his own social circle. However, the Viscount cared little for the wagging tongues of his peers. He knew he had discovered something extraordinary, and became something of a devotee of the Order's strange bearded leader, Hildaur "Misty-Eyed" Gærðar.   In addition to music, the Viscount is a collector of fine arts and crafts and seeks to sponsor as many budding young artists as his pursestrings can entangle. He is currently a fan of the Sabellian artist, Skhannikp G̀a, creator of "Hero of the Fields", the famed statue in the city's Brokechariot district. As G̀a's star continues to rise, it becomes more difficult for interested patrons to get a hold of him, but Moros has become resolute in his mission to commission a sculpture for his chateau from this eccentric young man.


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