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Kamir Fouq

Born Drakoyan, into the wealthy merchant class in the sacred city of Enribellis, Kamir Fouq was raised within the walls of the Congregation of the Ascended. Despite his immersion in the faith from a young age, he came to despise the banality and hypocrisy of the religious practices he was subjected to, setting the stage for a life that would be defined by questioning and challenging established norms.  
by midjourney
  His parents' trading fortune was vast but brought them scant respect, as their status as "mere merchants" put them in the paradoxical position of being simultaneously indispensable yet looked down upon by the Church and the old nobility. Kamir, therefore, grew up straddling two worlds – a rich boy in the company of true aristocrats, a faithful adherent in a faith he increasingly questioned.   When his family's fortune reached a point where they could buy their way into The Cult of Oirae, a branch of the Congregation of the Ascended, their social standing finally saw significant improvement. This brought with it advantages for Kamir, including an enviable position at court in the Parliament of Leaves, serving the Duchy of Sabellis under the stewardship of Niandrann Davinet, Duchess of Sabellis. However, the prosperity doctrine of the followers of Oirae stung even more than the quieter pretensions of mainstream Ascendism, sharpening Kamir's focus against its excesses.   In this consequential post, Kamir found himself working diligently, his days filled with important tasks and ceaseless responsibilities. The vibrant energy of the Parliament and the pressures of his role in Niandrann Davinet's Office of Humane Arts only served to fuel his growing disillusionment with societal hierarchies and the institutions that upheld them.   When he wasn't busy with his work in the Parliament, Kamir turned to philosophy. Writing anonymous tractates in his spare time, he began to critique the societal systems around him, from the Church's religious practices to The Council of Landezon's wielding of magical power. His writings, though critical, were nuanced and carefully veiled to avoid outright controversy or backlash.   Kamir's tractates began to circulate in certain circles, taking hold particularly amongst those who also felt a sense of disillusionment with the status quo. Despite the counter-cultural sentiments expressed in his writings, his ideas resonated with many, slowly growing a following that appreciated his willingness to question and challenge entrenched norms.   While not having any particular inclinations towards magic, Kamir was deeply suspicious of the power imbalance caused by the Council's control of magical practices. The presence of mages in their society, to him, was akin to the presence of unchecked superheroes, and he often subtly critiqued the Council in his writings, aiming to provoke thought and spark discussions on the ethics of magic and its use within their society.


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