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Niandrann Davinet, Duchess of Sabellis


  Niandrann of The House of Davinet, Duchess of Sabellis, is a figure of unmistakable presence and resilience, commanding both respect and admiration in a society that largely remains patriarchal. She possesses a razor-sharp intellect, an innate understanding of political dynamics, and a seemingly unshakeable composure that keeps her adversaries at bay. Notoriously difficult to read, Niandrann often puts forward a stoic facade that conceals her deep-seated passions and ideals. She rules from her manor at Oddgarden, in the Duchy's capital, Sabellis City, and stands at the head of the Parliament of Leaves, the country's governing body.  
by Midjourney


  The Lady Davinet is an imposing and solitary figure, renown for singlehandedly maneuvering her House past numerous political pitfalls. She commands the loyalty and respect of her people, peasants and gentry alike, and her place at the head of government has brought about an elevated perception of women throughout the cultural sphere. She is in her early 40s, streaks of silver only now beginning to pierce her famously auburn locks. She is savvy and wise, having studied under the tutelage of scholars of note, brought in from around Rela and beyond. She plays chess, and Teth. And although a lady of her station does not fight, she has also had excellent instruction in the art of the sword and duels well.   She is an only child, extremely odd for the period in history and social class to which she was born. Her father, Alon Davinet, was himself a shrewd ruler but known for his dour temperament. He went through three wives who all seemed unable to bear him an heir of any kind. Finally, in desperation – as he was not an especially pious man – he approached the Church and asked them for a reading. They told him he would indeed have a child, and they would make The House of Davinet the name to rule all of Sabellis indefinitely. This issue of inheritance was a problem as Alon’s support at court was slipping, The rival House Kotjo looked like they might usurp their position. When Niandrann was conceived, he got behind the Tellers’ reading 100% and declared his daughter his successor. He came to love her immensely and never sought additional children.   She grew up privileged of course, but within a milieu of eternal intrigue. Her father took her under his wing and taught her everything she needed to know to assume control of the realm, taught her about all the noble houses and their relationships, their vulnerabilities and their strengths, and how to manipulate them to remain at the top of power. He was not by nature conniving – this was all simply part and parcel of Sabellian politics at the time. New wealth was flowing into the city with the rise of the merchant class and overturning some aspect of the old system of peerage. Alon had to learn how to please both groups, which could appear two-faced but was in fact a great skill.   Niandrann's mother, Ongä, died when she was 7, of a common pox. Her father certainly mourned her but had not been greatly in love with his wife – she’d mostly been a means to produce an heir. Ongä was the daughter of the Lord Iòzneù of Quassiver (in Rello's Cloister of Hannael – Alon had cultivated a relationship with Quassiver as a key stop along The Ruby Road, to better trade relations, and also sought to lower lending rates throught the Rellan Treasury of Ocophel, affiliated with the so-called Cult of Oirae.   Niandrann had learned much about Rellan culture and the Tarels language from her mother. The family travelled to Quassiver after the funeral to hold rites for her there as well. On the way, the family carriage was ambushed – an event that imprinted itself on young Niandrann’s memory. They fought off their assailants and her father emerged with a long scar across his cheek, though he fought well. He would often remind Niandrann pointing to the scar of the burden nobles must bear – people will want what you’ve got, and you had better be six steps ahead of them in order to protect it.   On the surface, Niandrann like every other noble is a member of the Congregation of the Ascended; though, like her father, her observance of rituals is rumoured to be largely empty, a vast accusation which conservative opponents lob as politically required. Her focus is and always has been on the realm, improving life for the subjects she considers family. She has a special place in her heart for Sabellis City, where she lives. And indeed, she governs extremely well and the bold moves she’s made have broadly improved conditions for all living in the area. However there is a cold edge to her, emanating from the intellect she must always bring to bear in her dealings. She is merciful when the situation requires it, generous when there is something to gain by it. This does not take away from her benevolence: she does not have a cruel streak and is extremely refined in her emotions.  

Notable features of her Rule

  Niandrann’s first great test came when she was just seventeen. Sabellis was threatened by an aggressive neighbouring lord, who sought to annex the Duchy by provoking civil unrest. Niandrann, though young and untested, manipulated the political landscape with the deftness of a seasoned diplomat. She rallied the local barons to her cause, undermined the lord's influence within his own lands, and managed to quell the threat without a single drop of Sabellian blood being shed. This event solidified her position as the true leader of Sabellis and established her reputation as a strategist par excellence.   Niandrann's second significant ordeal was the scandal dubbed the 'Blood Wedding.' The eldest son of a neighboring duchy, known for his cruel and brutish behavior, took a liking to a commoner girl from Sabellis City. Against her will, she was forcibly taken and set to be wed. News of this reached Niandrann just as preparations were in full swing.   Niandrann, unwilling to let such an injustice transpire, took it upon herself to rectify the situation. Her response was swift and decisive. She dispatched a group of Sabellis' best negotiators and, when the neighboring duchy refused their pleas, she didn't hesitate to use force. A clandestine operation led by Niandrann's most trusted knights stormed the castle on the eve of the wedding, successfully rescuing the girl and sending a clear message about Sabellis' stance on injustice.   This daring rescue and the subsequent confrontation with the neighboring duchy made headlines across Draksineon. Niandrann's uncompromising stand on the incident not only averted a potential diplomatic crisis but also cemented her status as a protector of her people, regardless of their station. This incident echoed far and wide, serving as a stern warning to anyone who would dare cross Sabellis under Niandrann's watch.   In personality, Niandrann is serious, methodical, and intensely private. While she understands the value of public appearances and societal obligations, she cherishes her solitude and often seeks refuge in her private library at Oddgarden manor, which houses a vast collection of historical tomes and political treatises. There, in the quiet of her contemplative space, Niandrann plots and dreams of a prosperous and progressive Draksineon. Yet despite her lofty aspirations, Niandrann is deeply aware of the burden she carries, of the intricate balancing act between power and responsibility, ambition and idealism, the realities of rule and the dreams of a better world. She oversees the Assembly of Humane Arts, the organization she forged to improve the social welfare of her citizens, especially those of the middle class.


Crest of Sabellis



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