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Perched on the precipitous edges of the Clun Mountains, the nation of Farakt shelters a hearty, steadfast people known as the Kingga. The austere landscape, crowned with snow-dusted peaks and roared at by fierce winds, is not merely a backdrop to their existence but a living, sacred character in the grand saga of their lives.   The Kingga's profound connection to the mountains permeates every facet of their culture. Their social structure is rooted in a clan-based system that echoes the resilient bedrock of their alpine homeland. Respect for the enduring solidity of the mountain environment engenders a steadfast loyalty among the Kingga, binding families and friends together with an unyielding sense of unity. Even their native tongue, Heldokðuir, echoes metaphors and proverbs replete with stone, snow, and the winding mountain paths that lead to home.   Under the vast Farakti skies, the Kingga have retained their ancient practices, adhering to an ancestral form of Farang Paganism. This old path, guided by the rhythms of nature, frames their understanding of the divine and the mundane. Key among these beliefs are veneration for the mountain gods—Dwergru, the God of Stone and Echoes; Mairwren, the Goddess of Snow and Silence; and Harrogon, the Thunderbringer.   The elaborate tattoo culture among the Kingga serves as a form of spiritual communication, with each inked symbol embodying an aspect of their reverence for the mountains. Warriors carry the insignia of Dwergru on their shoulders, signifying their strength and determination, while healers bear Mairwren's mark to symbolize their ability to bring calm amidst storms. Thunderbolts etched on the skin honor Harrogon, believed to empower the wearer with fierce courage.  
by midjourney
  Survival in Farakt hinges not only on an intimate understanding of the mountains' moods but also on the ability to contend with formidable creatures like the Tväs - enormous arctic cats that roam the frozen wilderness, their fierce nature inspiring both respect and a competitive thrill among the Kingga clans. Hunting Tväs is not just sport; it's a rite of passage, a testament of a true warrior's prowess. The status symbol of a Tväs hide not only keeps the biting cold at bay but also serves as a wearable trophy, a tangible testament to the bravery of its wearer.   Farakt may be a land of uncompromising landscapes and stern winters, but to the Kingga, it is a hearth around which stories of valor, faith, and kinship are woven. Their ancient customs, interwoven with the mountain's rhythms, continue to stand as unyielding as the granite that forms their home, underscoring a vibrant culture that thrives amid the ice and stone.

Cover image: Snowy Forest by HibaHaba


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