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Order of the Hammer

The Ancient and Esteemed Order of the Hammer was established by the more affluent patrons of the city of Callintem's metallurgical industry. Initially, the Order was comprised of skilled artisans, blacksmiths, and metalworkers who sought to uphold the standards and traditions of their craft. However, over time, the group began to attract wealthy individuals who had a vested interest in the industry. Its current Guild Master is Kevran Thensar.   The Order has always had strong ties to the wealthier districts of Callintem, especially those involved in the processing and sale of finished metal goods. However, they also have a significant presence in the industrial heart of the city, where the fruits of their labor are most visible.   While the Order may not have the same gritty connection to the working class as its counterpart guild, the Brimstone Assembly, it has significant influence within the city's upper echelons and administrative circles. They wield this power to maintain control over the quality of Callintem's products and ensure the continued prosperity of their trade.   Membership in the Order is often a matter of social standing rather than direct involvement in the industry. Those who have established themselves as successful entrepreneurs or who have inherited a significant stake in the industry are most likely to be considered for membership. This results in a demographic that, while diverse in its interests, is often unified by its wealth and social standing. Though the guild, as its rival organization the Brimstone Assembly, is led by a smith of Navirdic descent, the Order's ethnic profile, due to this association with community status, skews Drakoyan.  
by midjourney
  The relationship between the Brimstone Assembly and the Order of the Hammer is complex. While they often find themselves at odds over issues of labor rights and economic policy, they also understand that their survival is interlinked. The Assembly relies on the Order's influence and resources, while the Order depends on the Assembly's labor and expertise. This delicate balance of power defines much of Callintem's political and economic landscape.  

The Ancient and Esteemed Order of the Hammer: Code of Acceptance and Duties of Brotherhood

  Whereas, in the hallowed presence of the Eternal Anvil and under the unyielding gaze of the Immutable Hammer, we do hereby decree the protocol for acceptance and the obligations of kinship into the noble ranks of the Ancient and Esteemed Order of the Hammer.   Eligibility: Only those individuals who demonstrate a profound reverence for the artisanal craft, as well as an understanding of the historical, societal and economic underpinnings of the art of metallurgy may be deemed eligible for consideration.   Endorsement: Any person who desires entry must be endorsed by a Master Smith of the Order in good standing. This Smith must attest to the candidate’s character, their devotion to our traditions, and their mastery of the craft.   Appraisal: Upon endorsement, the prospective member shall undergo a period of assessment, wherein they are given opportunity to exhibit their aptitude, dedication, and respect for the heritage of the Order.   Confirmation: Should the candidate's performance during the appraisal period meet the Order’s standards, they shall be presented before the Council of Masters. A unanimous vote of the Council in favor of the candidate is required for progression to the next stage.   Ritual of Ascendancy: At the solemn heart of the Order’s sacred hall, the candidate shall recite the Vow of the Hammer. Holding a hammer in hand, they shall strike the Eternal Anvil thrice, each strike symbolizing a promise: dedication to their craft, loyalty to the Order, and commitment to the preservation of the sacred traditions.   Duties of Brotherhood: Upon induction, every Master Smith is expected to uphold the prestige of the Order, to contribute to the collective knowledge, and to protect and foster the welfare of their fellow members. They shall conduct themselves with honor, embodying the patience, precision, and perseverance that our Order cherishes.   This edict stands as a beacon to those who seek to join our esteemed fraternity. Let those who possess the fortitude step forth, and let those who waver step back. As we have been, so shall we continue to be, ever dedicated, ever dignified, in solidarity and purpose: The Ancient and Esteemed Order of the Hammer.

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