BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Rachrin, Octaviu Stilldraft's former master, is an eccentric and visionary character. Standing at a height of 5'8" and a wiry build, he is a man who looks as if he has seen better days, with deep-set eyes that sparkle with intelligence and a constant air of contemplation. His hair, once black as night, has streaks of grey, a testament to his years of constant tinkering and ceaseless struggles against the laws of physics and societal norms.   His clothes, much like his former apprentice Octaviu, bear the marks of numerous experiments: scorch marks from minor explosions, stains from chemicals, and patches where he has carelessly wiped his hands. And yet, his eyeglasses are always impeccably clean, reflecting the light in a way that suggests a keen eye for detail.   Rachrin was widely known throughout Andarco as a figure of intrigue and controversy. His ability to effortlessly mix practical know-how with his seemingly wild imagination made him both a respected and ridiculed figure. Many of his inventions were seen as flights of fancy, impractical and outlandish, but there were always a few who saw the potential in his grand designs. It was these individuals, mostly from the lower classes, who would attend his public demonstrations, applauding his audacity and creativity.   The nobility and merchant class, on the other hand, saw Rachrin as a figure of amusement at best, and an imprudent fool at worst. They would laugh at his claims and mock his failures, yet they would always attend his demonstrations, drawn in by the spectacle and his charismatic presence. The lawsuits that followed his unfortunate public demonstration were as much about crushing his spirit as they were about seeking compensation for alleged damages.   Rachrin, despite his eccentricities and unorthodox methods, was a good master to Octaviu. He saw potential in the boy's curiosity and meticulous nature and often gave him the freedom to experiment and make mistakes. Rachrin's downfall saddened Octaviu, but he was also grateful for the knowledge and skills his master imparted to him.   Even now, as Rachrin navigates his way through financial ruin and legal challenges, he has not lost his spirit. He continues to tinker, dreaming up new designs and concepts, undeterred by his current predicament. He still has plans for grand inventions, and he still holds out hope that one day, one of his creations will change the world.


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