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Octaviu Stilldraft

Physical Description

  Octaviu is 6’0” tall and weighs about 145lbs. He has a sickly pallor and an unkempt appearance. His clothes are stained with greases, powders, paint and substances that can’t be identified at a glance. The exception are his hands, they are immaculately clean whenever you’ve seen him with his work gloves off (a rare occasion).  


  Octaviu was gainfully employed as an apprentice of the renown tinker/inventor, Rachrin, stationed in Arieyes, Andarco province. His master was kind & competent but given to flights of fancy, making grandiose claims that he could not always back up in his sometimes public, sometimes private demonstrations. After a remarkably unfortunate public demonstration his master was encumbered with lawsuits from several noble houses & merchants within the city. Rachrin was financially ruined and could only give Octaviu a letter of recommendation & introduction to his council contacts. Upon arrival at the nearest council facility he was given basic familiarization with the council and its duties & responsibilities and shipped off to Sewca Outpost as his handlers felt his technical knowledge may come in handy in a mine. It was here that he met Dinu Skhuzh, Davina Antistia, and Rianemi Lia'ler, kindred souls with whose fates Octaviu would find himself inexorably intertwined...


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