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The Gorog

The Gorog are an awe-inspiring sight to behold, standing at a colossal height of seven to eight feet tall and cloaked in rippling muscle. Their skin carries a unique, greenish hue, a testament to the frigid conditions of their homeland, the frozen wastes of Myrod. Their physique and resilience lend them a daunting and even menacing visage. Broad shoulders, penetrating fangs, frequently noticeable underbites, and low-set brows convey an aura of primal ferocity. Their gender differences are subtle, with both males and females alike boasting a formidable physical stature.  
by Midjourney
  The Gorog are primarily secluded in their region, known by the same name. Their existence is primarily characterized by an unexpectedly harmonious and tribal-oriented lifestyle. Despite the severe environment, they have flourished, crafting a lifestyle in sync with the harsh rhythms of their icy realm. However, these seemingly docile giants can be provoked into violence when survival hangs in the balance. When faced with scarce food sources, the Gorog transform into ruthless raiders, striking fear in the hearts of any who cross their path.   Their encounters with humans are sporadic at best. The Gorog are primarily found in Myrod's remote tundra, with only a minuscule number inhabiting Arlok's northern expanses. Although humans dwelling near these frosty regions may have slight awareness of their existence, the Gorog remain largely enigmatic and misunderstood to the broader world.   The Gorog have acquired an infamous reputation through the occasional violent raids they conduct, immortalized in human folklore as terrifying man-beasts. According to the Berythian 'Legends of Devokan', the Gorog were birthed from humankind as a divine punishment by Taharjin for their moral weakness. Whether these tales hold a grain of truth or are merely products of fear-stricken imaginations, it's clear that the Gorog are seen as embodiments of primal force and survivalist might.   Their isolation from mainstream society has led to the development of unique customs and traditions, firmly rooted in their tribal lifestyle. The Gorog's cultural practices and the very nature of their language, harsh with hard consonants, reflect their life in a relentless environment. Also known simply as Gorog, the tongue is seldom shared with outsiders, as its speakers are highly protective of their ancestral ways.   Despite their fearsome reputation, the Gorog are a reflection of the wild itself - primal, untamed, yet intrinsically in tune with the harsh dance of survival. They are a testament to the indomitable spirit of life that persists even in the most unforgiving conditions. As more becomes known about these intriguing beings, they may yet defy the savage stereotype that precedes them.


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