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POPULATION: 100K   TERRITORIES: Gilmere, The Gorog, ShelydrylElfinodd, Y r'Ital    LANGUAGES: COLMERHÆD, Gilmere accent - 60K / GOROG - 40K  
  Modern-day Myrod is a constellation of ice, water, and rock, mostly devoid of life. It was not always so: Unimpressive to the eye these days, the ruins of Elfinodd indicate some mysterious ancient civilization once called its shores its home, and during a time when weather was warmer; the lonely islands of Shelydryl and Y r'Ital bear contemporary Elvish names due to the traces that the species lived there before migrating across the steely waters of the Istarung to Dokeen; and there are some accounts that suggest that the peoples of Arlok might also have hailed long ago from these chilly shores.   Fascinating facts. Today’s extreme conditions unfortunately keep today’s archaeologists from excavating and, thus, learning much about them. Plus living here is just damned miserable. So sadly little is known of the area or the richness of its legacy much beyond the apparent.   About the only words penned on the subject of the continent in any language come courtesy of the revered Relan scholar, Salardac: “Myrod…the only place sadder to die in than Arlok. And that’s saying a lot.”   There is just one human settlement, Gilmere. It serves as an outpost to monitor the activity of the Gorog– a humanoid species lending the largest area in Myrod its name. Few humans have seen these hulking green hunters as they build their settlements in small and isolated pockets inland. No one knows how many tribes there are exactly and there is no reason to find out: the territory is too vast, cold and dark, and contains too little of value to beg exploration.   Gilmere’s residents count their lucky stars encounters prove few: those occurring tend to be brutal given the Gorog’s tendency to descend starving and fevered, as food shortage is the primary cause for them to leave their villages.

Articles under Myrod

Cover image: Cloudy Norway by scosu42


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