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Yendirdoc (Foreigners Elvish)

LANGUAGE FAMILY: TOL YLIDOC   # SPEAKERS / WORLD RANKING:   SPOKEN IN: Bluepool, Dokeen   High Elvish, spoken by the noble and Druidic caste. The most elaborate and challenging for non-Elves to learn, or other Elves to speak.   PERIOD OF USE:   SCRIPT USED:   PARENT LANGUAGE: Mynedoc (Old Elvish)  
  "...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind..."   Translation: var ˈteia ˈcaɨa or su cheelds var ˈvaa or gaːn chə   Pronunciation: var ˈteia ˈkaɨa ɔː suː ʧiːldz var ˈvaa ɔː gaːn chə     Yendirdoc word order: and stood holding his hat he and turned his wet face to the wind  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b d f g h j k l m n p r s t v w z ð ŋ ɹ ɾ ʃ ʍ ʤ ʧ θ/  
Stopp bt dk g
Affricateʧ ʤ
Fricativef vθ ðs zʃh
Lateral approximantl
  Co-articulated phonemes  
Approximantʍ w
  Vowel inventory: /aɪ aʊ eɪ iː oʊ uː æ ɑ ɑː ɔɪ ɔː ɛ ɛə ɜː ɪ ɪə ʊ ʊə ʌ/   Diphthongs: aɪ, aʊ, eɪ, oʊ, ɔɪ, ɛə, ɪə, ʊə  
Low-midɛɜːʌ ɔː
Lowɑ ɑː
  Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: Second — stress is on the second syllable
Word initial consonants: b, bl, bɹ, d, dɹ, f, fl, fɹ, g, gl, gɹ, h, j, k, kl, kw, kɹ, l, m, n, p, pl, pɹ, s, sk, skw, skɹ, sl, sm, sn, sp, spl, spɹ, st, stɹ, sw, t, th, tw, tɹ, v, w, ð, ɹ, ʃ, ʃɹ, ʍ, ʤ, ʧ, θ, θɹ
Mid-word consonants: b, bd, bj, bl, bm, bn, bs, bskj, bskɹ, bst, bstɹ, bt, bv, bz, bɹ, bɾ, bʤ, d, df, dg, dgɹ, dj, dkw, dl, dm, dn, ds, dv, dw, dɹ, dʃ, f, fj, fl, fspɹ, ft, ftl, ftw, fɹ, g, gj, gl, gm, gn, gz, gɹ, gʤ, h, j, k, kd, kf, kgɹ, kj, kl, km, kn, ks, ksf, ksk, kskj, kskl, kskw, ksm, ksp, kspl, kspɹ, kst, kstɹ, ksw, ksʧ, kt, ktf, ktl, ktɹ, kw, kz, kɹ, kʃ, kʧ, l, lb, ld, ldf, ldh, ldl, ldn, ldɹ, lf, lg, lgɹ, lj, lk, lkj, ll, lm, ln, lp, lpf, lpl, lptj, ls, lsh, lsʍ, lt, ltj, ltɹ, lv, lw, lð, lɹ, lʤ, lʧ, lθ, m, mb, mbl, mbɹ, mf, mfl, mft, mfɹ, mh, mj, ml, mn, mp, mpj, mpl, mpt, mptl, mpɹ, mpʃ, mpʧ, ms, mst, mt, mw, mz, mɹ, mʧ, mθ, n, nb, nbɹ, nd, ndj, ndl, ndm, ndɹ, nf, nfj, nfl, nfɹ, ng, ngɹ, nh, nj, nk, nkl, nkw, nkɹ, nl, nm, nn, npl, ns, nsf, nsj, nskɹ, nsl, nsm, nsp, nst, nstɹ, nt, ntl, ntm, ntɹ, nv, nw, nz, nzl, nzp, nɹ, nʃ, nʤ, nʤm, nʧ, nθj, p, pj, pl, pm, pt, pw, pɹ, pʃ, pʧ, s, sd, sf, sg, sgɹ, sj, sk, skj, skl, skɹ, sl, sm, sn, sp, spj, spl, st, stj, stl, stm, stw, stɹ, sw, sʧ, t, tb, tf, tj, tl, tm, tn, ts, tsm, tw, tɹ, v, vj, vl, vm, vn, vɹ, w, z, zb, zd, zj, zl, zm, ð, ðdɹ, ðst, ŋ, ŋg, ŋgj, ŋgl, ŋgw, ŋgɹ, ŋk, ŋkt, ŋkw, ŋkʃ, ŋkʧ, ŋl, ɹ, ɹb, ɹd, ɹf, ɹg, ɹk, ɹl, ɹm, ɹml, ɹn, ɹpl, ɹs, ɹsm, ɹt, ɹtl, ɹv, ɹʃ, ɹʤ, ɹʧ, ɹθw, ɾ, ʃ, ʃm, ʃn, ʤ, ʤm, ʤt, ʧ, ʧl, ʧm, θ, θf, θl, θɹ
Word final consonants: b, bd, bl, bz, d, dst, dz, f, fs, ft, g, gd, gz, k, ks, kst, kt, kts, l, ld, ldz, lf, lk, lm, ls, lt, lts, lv, lvd, lvz, lz, lθ, m, md, mp, mps, mpt, mz, n, nd, ndz, ns, nst, nt, nts, nz, nʤ, nʤd, nʧ, nθ, p, ps, pt, r, rm, s, sk, sp, spt, st, sts, t, ts, v, vd, vz, z, zd, ð, ðz, ŋ, ŋd, ŋk, ŋks, ŋkt, ŋz, ɹ, ɹd, ɹdz, ɹk, ɹks, ɹkt, ɹm, ɹmd, ɹmz, ɹn, ɹnd, ɹs, ɹst, ɹt, ɹts, ɹz, ɹʃ, ɹʧt, ɹθ, ʃ, ʃt, ʤ, ʤd, ʧ, ʧt, θ, θs   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • u → v / #_
  • l → n / #_V[+nasal]
  • p → bh / V_V
  • k → g / _{w,j}
  Spelling rules:  
ktcked / _#
kc / !_{ɪ,i,ɛ,e,s}
uːC₁uC₁e / _#
eɪC₁aC₁e / _#
zs / _#
juu / C_
ck / _#
{t,d}ed / C_#
ow / _#
ɪy / _#
y / _#
yyyi / _#
yi / #_#
ttt / æ_#
lll / æ_#
sss / æ_#
zzz / æ_#
ʤj / #_
ʤge / _#


  Main word order: Verb Object (Prepositional phrase) Subject.
"Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Opened the door with a key Mary.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: prepositions  


  Nouns have six cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipient of something: man gives ball to dog.
  • Locative is the location of something: man goes to town.
  • Ablative is movement away from something: man walks from town.
  Nouns form plural with separate plural word:
PluralParticle before the noun: kɛm - kem geˈi /kɛm geˈi/ dogs
NominativePrefix joʊ-If starts with vowel: Prefix m- Else: Prefix mɔː- morˈkeeaˌi /mɔːˈkiːaˌi/
AccusativePrefix maɪ-If starts with vowel: Prefix w- Else: Prefix wæ- waˈkeeaˌi /wæˈkiːaˌi/
GenitiveIf starts with vowel: Prefix k- Else: Prefix kæ-Prefix kʊ- cooˈkeeaˌi /kʊˈkiːaˌi/
DativePrefix iː-If starts with vowel: Prefix j- Else: Prefix jɛ- yeˈkeeaˌi /jɛˈkiːaˌi/
LocativePrefix aɪ-Prefix heɪ- heiˈkeeaˌi /heɪˈkiːaˌi/
AblativePrefix flɑ-If starts with vowel: Prefix b- Else: Prefix bɑ- baˈkeeaˌi /bɑˈkiːaˌi/


Singulartin /tɪn/ the inch /ɪnʧ/ a
Pluralhom /hoʊm/ the lou /laʊ/ some
  Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Used for personal names in third person: ‘The Maria has left for school’
  • Used with place names: ‘The London’
  Uses of indefinite article that differ from English:
  • Not used for non-specific mass (uncountable) nouns: non-specific means ‘Would you like some (any) tea?’ whereas specific means ‘Some tea (a specific amount) fell off the truck’


1st singulari /iː/ I wak /wɑk/ me mor /mɔː/ mine moi /mɔɪ/ to me yep /jɛp/ at me keem /kiːm/ from me
2nd singularyi /jiː/ you (masc) ur /ɜː/ you yeret /jɛət/ yours u /uː/ to you ege /ɛʤ/ at you cheege /ʧiːʤ/ from you
3rd singular masccheelds /ʧiːldz/ he, it bag /bɑg/ him, it or /ɔː/ his, its eb /ɛb/ to him, at it pip /pɪp/ at him, at it mab /mæb/ from him, from it
3rd singular femkilk /kɪlk/ she, it ky /kiː/ her, it yet /jɛt/ hers, its coot /kʊt/ to her, at it ach /ɑʧ/ at her, at it vu /vuː/ from her, from it
1st pluralsy /siː/ we yur /jɜː/ us eem /iːm/ ours cor /kɔː/ to us nes /nɛs/ at us you /jaʊ/ from us
2nd pluralwur /wɜː/ you all eed /iːd/ you all punge /puːŋ/ yours (pl) can /kæn/ to you all seem /siːm/ at you all su /suː/ from you all
3rd pluralwangk /wɑŋk/ they pu /puː/ them lai /laɪ/ theirs pit /pɪt/ to them eived /eɪvd/ at them ai /aɪ/ from them

Possessive determiners

1st singularmor /mɔː/ my
2nd singularyeret /jɛət/ your
3rd singular mascor /ɔː/ his
3rd singular femyet /jɛt/ her
1st pluraleem /iːm/ our
2nd pluralpunge /puːŋ/ your (pl)
3rd plurallai /laɪ/ their


PresentIf starts with vowel: Prefix p- Else: Prefix pɪ- piˈgeiˌχa /pɪˈgeiˌχa/ learn
PastNo affix geˈiχa /geˈiχa/ learned
Remote pastPrefix iː- eeˈgeiˌχa /iːˈgeiˌχa/ learned (long ago)
FuturePrefix ɛ- eˈgeiˌχa /ɛˈgeiˌχa/ will learn
  Imperfective aspect   The ‘imperfective’ aspect refers to ongoing actions, such as I am learning and habitual actions, such as I learn (something new every day).   Yendirdoc uses a standalone particle word for imperfective:  
ImperfectiveParticle before the verb: meɪsp - meisp geˈiχa /meɪsp geˈiχa/ learns/is learning


  Yendirdoc has a base-10 number system:   1 - omˈbas
2 - biˈnarah
3 - hɔˈɨs
4 - ty
5 - saˈmloo
6 - naˈu
7 - nunn
8 - satˈtoo
9 - ru
10 - ntin
11 - omˈbas var ntin “one and ten”
100 - omˈbas bleː “one hundred”
101 - omˈbas bleː var omˈbas “one hundred and one”
200 - biˈnarah bleː
1000 - omˈbas gɨˈthir “one thousand”  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ld ELSE
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = No affix
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = No affix
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = No affix
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -t ELSE
Noun to verb = No affix
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = No affix
Tending to = No affix
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = No affix
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = No affix
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = No affix
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = No affix
Diminutive = No affix
Augmentative = No affix
Opposite = No affix


4540 Words.


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