Aithriel Character in Tai'Sans Hearth | World Anvil


Lady of Bows Aithriel (a.k.a. The Huntress)

Aithriel is the second child and eldest daughter of Tai'San and Rinushka, making her the second eldest of the Princes of the Dawn.   Aithriel is the wildmother, masterhuntress and warden of beasts. Her kin are the supreme trackers and and foresters managing the endless woods of the world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While she does not look very intimidating at first glance, there is a hypnotic level of control in Aithriels behaviour. She is in control of her destiny, and none else.

Body Features

Despite her otherwise unassuming nature, Aithriels frame betrays her resilience. Using a bow since she could hold one gave her strong shoulders and back muscles and a lifetime of wandering gave her the powerful legs to stasnd on. If she wants to, Aithriel can become so insignificant that she fades into the background.

Facial Features

Aithriels eyes are of normal circular elven shape, her Hair is mostly kept in a braid, exposing her long but broad pointy ears. She has a small amount of freckles scattered across her jaw and forehead.

Identifying Characteristics

Aithriel bears no noticeable features. She seems like any other elven ranger, if youre not aware of her identity.

Special abilities

Aithriel has the uncanny ability to read animals so perfectly, it sometimes seems like she can control them. But surely she can't. Right?   Like all other Princes of the Dawn, Aithriel has the ability to sustain a Meld among her people. Her unique point of view enables her to extend the Meld further, covering the entire inner World.

Apparel & Accessories

Aithriel always wears her leather hunting clothes under a wide cloak. At her side hangs a quiver and in her hand is a simple handcrafted longbow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aithriel was the second child born to Tai'San and Rinushka. While she lived with her siblings for the first years, even then she loved exploring the wilderness, keeping the nearby woods and the loneliness it entailed.


Aithriel is heterosexual and keeps a small group of Hunters as both her hunting party and concubines.   Like all Princes of the Dawn, Aithriel is content with her sexuality. It does not occur to them that you might not be.


Aithriel followed Rinushka on hunts since she could walk. She has perfected the art. She very rarely takes on new apprentices to impart some of her knowledge.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Once hunted Tebla, the Boar, by herself without a hunting party.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aithriel is a person who likes to be as prepared as possible. She will overprepare for any outcome if given the choice. Her thought process are overly analytical, sometimes seeming cold.   Aithriel is, as a result, an excellent problem solver, but perhaps not the best person to talk to.

Morality & Philosophy

In Aithriels eyes, the neutral impartiality of nature is something to strive for. A bear is not evil for hunting prey, its just his nature. Aithriel tries to measure her behaviour by the same standards. No emotionally charged feelings for the way nature is.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Despite her usual demeanor, Aithriel enjoys company, but she enjoys silence more. Sitting under a tree, letting light rain drizzle from the clouds, enjoying the quiet. Thats life.   Engaging with company is draining. Best to limit it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aithriels analytical demeanor can make her seem colder than she is. Out of all Princes of the Dawn, she is the one least likely to show empathy.


Family Ties

Sibling to the other Princes of the Dawn, daughter to Tai'San and Rinushka, Foremother to the The Family of Aithriel.


Quiet and reserved. Prefers to let others do the talking and to do as little listening as she can get away with.



Brother (Important)

Towards Aithriel




Sister (Important)

Towards Thulion



Nicknames & Petnames

Thulion calls Aithriel bow-girl, while Aithriel calls him trunkhead.

Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Patrolling the wilderness
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Aithriel
Year of Birth
45451 BTO 546748 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Within the nearby Glade
The Hearth
Thulion (Brother)
Bright Green, elvish eyes
Long bright red, slightly curled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin
1.8 m
80 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Just focus. Let the prey wander into the arrows path. Wait, restraint, release. It is that simple."
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Wild meadow (via Midjourney)


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