
I don't know if the gods still exist, probably not, if i'm honest. But, as long as people like that believe, then maybe it's enough.
— Overheard inside a Breathkeepers' hospital tent
  Most living beings in Tairos have never known an organized faith or witnessed the miracles of the gods first hand. Only the eldest among the Dwarves aging Elves can actually recall true divinity. The houses of faith that once dotted the land have been repurposed in some cases, lost to ruin in others. The only holy books left are those that haven't been taken by decay. And no one preaches their word.   Almost no one...   While a few scattered pockets of belief do exist, it is usually in the form of single individuals or a small handful of bright souls who refuse to believe The Queen's Rebuke claimed the gods as victims too. However, there is one organization that truly harkens back to the days of old, when faithful marched across the continent carrying the pantheon in their heart. The Breathkeepers of Tatayne.   Named as such because their goddess is also known as The Breath of Life, they seem themselves as protectors of her gifts and stewards of what she represented to Tairos' people. Their movement began only a few weeks earlier in the regions around Theawood, about 200 miles south of Ghal Pelor when a woman rose from her grave.   Theawood is a city built entirely around a massive rock quarry from which stone is hauled and processed for Ghal Pelor. Everyone who lives and dies in Theawood is in some way connected to these quarry. Alarise Boken was no exception, the woman, barely into her second decade of life, operated a coffee and tea cart at the bottom of the gaping open-air mining pit where she served the miners their drink and snacks. The quarry, while safe by the standards of many other mines, was no stranger to accidents. One particular day blasting efforts would crack into an undiscovered, confined, underground aquafer. The water quickly released into the mines and flooded the lowest layer of the quarry, killing dozens including Alarise.   While tragic, this was not a unique. What was unique was during Alarise's funeral when she suddenly sat up and loudly gasps for air. While many assumed she had awoke as a zombie and fled screaming a few remained behind. And what they saw was nothing less than a miracle, a true miracle. Alarise was alive and free from wounds or any trace of death. She didn't return with just fresh life in veins, she returned with a message. She could hear Tatayne's voice. Soon, she would discover that she could also channel Tatayne's miracles too like the holy servants of old.   Faith quickly began springing up where none existed before. Old copies of the Book of Tatayne are being dusted off and new ones printed. The goddess' holy symbol, a trio of blooing flowers, are being painted (or graffitied in some peoples' opinion) on walls within the city. One of the stonecutting yards has completely shut down and declared itself a temple to Tatayne, seizing the stone there as well. And, Alarise Boken the coffee cart girl, has now become something of an oracle to many of the people in Theawood.   Thus far, Alarise's only dictate has been to resume the roving hospitals that followers of Tatayne once operated. What she and her followers have mustered is much more humble than those from before the Silence of the Gods but they are equally dedicated. They cure whatever ailments they can, feed the unfortunate, and share healing magic should they have Manacite to spare. All while asking for nothing in return.   This has caused considerable stir within the area. Many are still skeptical, having seen charlatan after charlatan pretend to be saviors. Others have accused the Breathkeepers for the sudden disappearances of small shipments of manacite inbound from Tengu Town. Paranoid officials worry this is a burgeoning cult that will seek to spread its influence further and claim Theawood entirely. Word is just now reaching the leaders in Ghal Pelor who are starting to share this worry.   The existence of Alarise and the Breathkeepers are seen as a miracle to some and a grave concern to others. Tensions are slowly on the rise and there is no sign of a clear truth emerging.


At the moment Alarise is the singular leader. Beyond that she has a number of very close apostles who seem aid in organizing the common members and carrying out Tatayne's will. A more organized structure may soon develop, similar to the old church of Tatayne, but thus far there is little in the way of order. Her closest followers (those she has taught a bit of divine magic to) have taken to calling themselves apostles, a term from the old Book of Tatayne.


Charitable and protective. The Breathkeepers seem eager to search out places they can be of value and people who need them, often whether they are wanted or not. They are also very protective of their fledgling organization and especially of Alarise who is the only connection they have to their goddess.

Public Agenda

To lend aid and comfort to any they can reach. There is also a strong element of missionary-like spreading of the faith


Officially, very few. Many donations have made their way to the Breathkeepers' makeshift temple but others frequently accuse them of theft, especially when it comes to recent missing manacite shipments

Mythology & Lore

Many of the parables and heroes within the Book of Tatayne are suddenly becoming popular again, with many of the Breathkeepers viewing them almost as saints who's lives are to be emulated.

Cosmological Views

It is as of yet unclear what Alarise knows of the cosmological structure post-Rebuke

Tenets of Faith

This new faith is still evolving. It's unknown what tenants from the old Book of Tatayne will resonate with the modern Breathkeepers and what dictates Alarise will lay forth


There is no organized form of worship yet but this is part of the evolving nature of this brand new faith

Granted Divine Powers

Alarise is the only one able to channel a full suite of divine miracles, making her the highest ranking member of the priesthood by default. Some members who have learned directly from her seem able to manifest a few minor divine magic gifts. These apostles are generally considered to be the rest of the true priests


While there are no official sects within the Breathkeepers, there does appear to be a number of followers who have few qualms with getting their hands dirty so that Alarise doesn't have to and do so without her knowledge so that they can spare her the burden

With Every Breath, We Serve and We Save


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