
Noisiest gods damned place you'll ever go that's for sure, but your other senses will be thrilled, I promise you that
— Overhead on the caravan ride to Theawood
    The colonies of Ghal Pelor are vital to what makes the great city thrive. They provide it with needed resources, additional markets to trade, and outposts to reinforce their borders. Theawood is no different in that regard, having its own robust markets and troop barracks. Where it does differ though is with resources. Theawood is built around the mouth of a massive rock quarry that supplies Ghal Pelor, Beldon, and Ackley Point with almost all of their stone.   It's a truly strange sight to newcomers, an entire small city encircling the gaping maw of a quarry. Bridges large and small crisscross the opening allowing for easy travel, another harrowing sight for newcomers. Most of these crossways are simple rope bridges that can sway in the wind but accidents are rare. These bridges are well-maintained by the city and only the finest quality materials are used in the build, usually from Rylan Woods when available. There is one single stone bridge that spans the entire gap, the Lord Calo, named after one of the city's favored heroes from the time of the Queen's War Governor Martez Calo. The bridge allows for caravans to pass through the city rather than move around it and can support the full weight of countless wagons packed with stone. It also has elevators, cranes, and other mechanisms that allow people or goods to be moved from the depths of the quarry up to the bridge.   The quarry itself is the lifeblood of the Theawood. Most of the citizens here work for it in some way, either directly in the mine tunnels or indirectly as a supporting business such as lunch carts, gear manufacturers, machinists, or processors. So profitable are the yields from these mines that operates all day and even has a few shifts that carry on through the night. The constant chipping of pick axes, the hammering of massive pistons, and thunder of explosions all mingle together to create a never-ending cacophony that blankets the city. Locals are able to block it all out but visitors find it difficult to get accustomed to.   All of this would paint a miserable picture if not for the vibrant entertainment industry that dominates any part of the city not dedicated to the quarry. Officials in Ghal Pelor know that life orbiting a rock quarry is far from attractive so in order to attract the best possible talent to Theawood and keep them there they offer generous benefits to any entertainment business. Thus, many of Ghal Pelor's finest eateries have come to open branches in Theawood. The Pale Eye Playhouse has a modest second location built out in the heart of Theawood's entertainment district. Ackley Ales has almost complete exclusivity over the city and nearly every tavern there is one of part of the Ackley brand. Theawood is also home to the only arena left in the region after the storm that destroyed the one in Ghal Pelor. While of all of this high caliber art and food is appreciated, it doesn't even touch on the most popular form of entertainment in the city, the brothels. The city is filled with workers are more than generously compensated for their efforts in the mines, and most of them are single, having signed up for short contracts before intending on taking their gains back home with them. The many, many brothels in Theawood offer companionship in countless flavors to aurin-flush individuals. Much like the mine, the owners of these brothels treat their workers with the particular care for finding replacements is difficult and competition between the houses is rather fierce.   Considering the worker-focused nature of the city it should come as no surprise the level of control the Labor Union of Ghal Pelor has here. Its influence runs deep with the miners, stone cutters, and machinists but it doesn't stop there. Union representatives are always trying to bring more into the fold. They've seen considerable success with the brothel works thus far and have been chipping away at the kitchen staffs as well. All of this is at the expense of the business owners who already fight tooth and nail with their competitors. The Union knowns Ghal Pelor will prop up these businesses should they need, so it continues to push for better worker conditions and growing membership. Many view this as a hostage situation and the government subsidies that effectively flow from the businesses into Union coffers as the ransom. The workers and Union members believe that if not for their efforts Theawood would transformer into a corporate nightmare like Ackeley Point or even Rylan.   While stone and sex dominate most of the gossip in Theawood there is a new subject matter of late, the Breathkeepers. A charitable organization of sorts that is carrying on the old gospels and traditions of the goddess Tatayne. All of these seems to be organized around a woman named Alarise Boken who... seemingly returned to life after an accident in the quarry. While this hasn't disrupted life in the city much, it is after all a mere chip in a gravel pit as they say in Theawood, it is gossip worthy. In fact, one of the stone processing factories has shut down completely, its owner converting it into a makeshift temple for the Breathkeepers and their living miracle, Ms. Boken.


Theawood is nestled within the western edge of the Balmoran Plains and situated against a small forest known as the Quarry Green


Warmer in general than its parent city almost 400 miles north. It received frequent rain brought up from the southern jungles along with some of its humidity. It does experience a winter season but it is much milder than Ghal Pelor's. The rains do force the city to ship in pumps from Ghal Pelor to keep the quarry from flooding.

Localized Phenomena

Shudders, as the locals call them. These are tremors in the area that some believe are a result of the depths and constant expansion of the quarry. These tremors are usually mild, and semi-frequent, occurring a few times a year. They tend to cause little if any damage thanks to Theawood construction techniques but they do cause quiet the disturbance among visitors, especially those on the bridges at the time they hit. To date, they are brief and do little more than illicit a cheer from locals in the tavern. However; there is a vocal minority that warn of possible worsening tremors if the mines are not carefully surveyed and the expansion slowed. Instead, Manacite and magicians are brought in to try and stabilize expansion with earth spells. Detractors say these wizards do not know what they're doing and at best are only delaying the inevitable but at worse are speeding along a cataclysm that could swallow the entirety of Theawood.

Fauna & Flora

Many find this a surprising fact but the mine turns a small profit farming. Many of its deepest tunnels have revealed fungi specimens that are normally not seen outside of the depths beneath Ghal Ankhar. A small but dedicated team of workers makes it a point to harvest what they can from these caverns while propagating the species further. These are then sold in Ghal Pelor's markets (and their own) to high end restaurants as well as Dwarves who miss some of the comforts of the mountains.

Natural Resources

A modest forest, clean underground water deposits, and of course the quarry. The quarry is rich with rock ideal for construction such as slate, marble, alabaster, and quartzite.
Included Organizations


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