
Is anyone else uncomfortable here? That is absolutely NOT a real squirrel!
— Overheard in the training halls of the College of Magic
  Conjuration may be the strangest of all of fundamental forces that underpin reality. Some scholars even go so far as to label Conjuration as a failed or anachronistic force. All of the magical forces exist as energies that sentient minds can pull on and shape to suit their needs but early during creation there were no such minds to guide creation. Many believe Conjuration existed as a sort of proto-consciousness that nudged the creation-process along by being the shaper of the other forces. Transmutation has some similarities in that it acts as the supreme editor of what exists, Conjuration is a means of placement without purpose. Transmutation can edit a story, correcting flaws, refining, or reshaping its prose. Conjuration can put a bear in it.   The bear, in the above example, has a decent chance of behaving like a bear and looking the part. Yet, it's not a bear. It's the Shaping Force's best possible approximation of bear. That is, at its core, what Conjuration is, a sort of mimicking or best-guess, at what a thing is or where a thing should be. Thought without context. Common uses of this power are spells with simple names like Conjure Woodland Being, Teleport, Cloud of Daggers, and Storm of Vengeance. The woodland creatures summoned are not real animals. The object teleported could not possible be where its moved to. Daggers can't simply exist without being forged, let alone spin midair. And, the roiling storm of Storm of Vengeance is as unnatural and strange as possible, only resembling a storm in the most rudimentary ways possible. Perhaps the greatest example of Conjuration's haphazard shaping is the Wish spell. Wish allows a thinking mind to make massive alterations to reality but without any regard for what systems may break in the process. Its like bear again, bringing it into being but inside an apothecary shop. The desired outcome is achieved but the consequences will soon follow.   Conjuration's ability to create extends beyond the physical. It is also capable of connecting two points in space, a warping of distances. Its the same as above, just another, stranger way making what should not exist. It can, in effect, make a space where two separate points overlap. With this, not only is Teleportation possible, but the summoning of extraplanar entities as well.   The Shaping Force has a long history with many divine magic practitioners who relied on their gods to help bind or control summoned entities. It is also the force by which they can commune with their higher powers as well, connecting two vastly different beings across an impossible distance. Druidic magicians have tapped into it to create shapes for totem spirits to inhabit or even animal forms for their own consciousness to bind to- a process most refer to as the Wild Shape. However; the most prolific practitioners of Conjuration are the Duergar of Cinderstone. Specifically, the Cult of the Chain Maker who use this force to pull Infernal Beings from Hell before reforging them into batteries or war machines.


Conjuration relies very heavily on systems of spatial reference and geodetic datum. While many systems exist, the conjurer needs some means of recognizing two spaces that need to be joined or a spot where a thing needs to exist.

Components and tools

Summoning circles, representations of the thing to be conjured, and sometimes offerings or sacrifices to the entities contacted

Also Known As

  • Shaping Force
  • First Mind
  • Creation Energy/Weave
  • Golden Dross
Important Locations
Related Ethnicities


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