
You'll lose. Trust me.
— Heinreich Klamp
  Magic is divided into many fundamental forces that form the foundation for reality. Forces like Evocation or Necromancy have purposes that are clear for even the most novice academics to understand. However; some of forces such as Divination, have a much more esoteric but no less vital purpose. Divination is also known as the Causality Force for its purpose is to ensure actions have outcomes and that no possible future path violates sequence. Many young students at the old College of Magic famously have issues understanding exactly what this means. Master Diviners would remedy this by giving them a glimpse into future paths where causality and sequence had broken down. They witnessed realities where time flowed in strange fashion, consequence could come before action, unrelated events could trigger outcomes they should not be connected to, and where all progress becomes impossible as all hope of context unravels. This window into a reality of useless and disjointed actions was more unnerving to many, than any glimpse into the far realms of the cosmos.   The spells Diviners tap into reflect the nature of Sequence Energy itself. This power has no interest in destruction nor creation, it has no concern for the minds of sentient beings and no interest in fanciful indulgence. It is Scribe Weave, it exists to record what was, is, and will be. Nothing more. Thus, many of its most prominent spells such as Borrowed Knowledge and Legend Lore tap into the past, into context, to enlighten the user. Divination spells like Clairvoyance, Identify, and Scrying also famously enhance the perceptions of Diviners so that they may more effectively witness past and future. Lastly, wielders of Blue Dross, have access to the possible outcomes that lay ahead, and can use spells like Guidance, Find the Path, and Foresight to push the present course toward a future of their choosing. In fact, many of the spells dealing with future outcomes, help the caster to connect with immortal entities that can better translate possible futures into something a mortal mind can fathom. These "filter" spells such as Commune, Augury, Divination, and Contact Other Plane prevent the caster from going mad as they glimpse into infinity. A Diviner attempting such efforts without a "filter" entity is doomed to insanity or possibly death.   Diviners were particularly valued in old Balmoral. The concept of destiny was particularly important to them and their family lines. Many noble houses kept a favored Diviner on hand at all times, consulting them before consequential decisions or taking risks. While Balmoral ultimately fell to the Fae, there is some irony in knowing their enemy cherished soothsayers as well. For the fae, this meant offerings to hags, consulting enchanted mirrors, or seeking answers in dreams. Some see the war between them as a war between fortune tellers. Speaking of fortune tellers, the only place in Tairos where Diviners are still cherished above all other spellcasters is in Far Harbor. While this dubious island is filled mostly with charlatans pretending to know the future, there are some that can can actually see the threads of fate. These fortune tellers are sought out by Pirate Lords from all corners of the watery domain and they pay hefty sums for their council.


Divination is not a particularly flashy affair. The casting of most of its spells result in knowledge gained, not environments changes. In most instances an outside observer might not be aware of a spell being cast.

Components and tools

Objects representative of knowledge are very common such as the feather of certain birds, pyramid shaped objects, and books the caster records their visions in. Equally common are collections of items that help focus and organize the visions of the caster into something digestible such as collections of bones, sticks, cards, or coins.

Also Known As

  • Causality Force
  • Sequence Energy
  • Scribe Weave
  • Blue Dross
Important Locations


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