Ghal Pelor Constabulary Department

To Serve with Valor, To Stand with Courage
— GPCD Motto
  While many see Ghal Pelor as the last and best hope for Tairos' return to greatness, others see it as a cesspool of crime and degeneracy. In truth, both are accurate. While the city-state's influence is ever-expanding even as other surviving nations decay further, it is also true that crime continues to fester in the shadows. That is where the Ghal Pelor Constabulary Department comes into the spotlight.   The GPCD is something unique among the nations of Tairos. Most do not have an organization dedicated entirely to guarding against internal criminal activity. They may individuals who specialize in it but those individuals are typically part of the hierarchy of their nation's army and requisition military assets to confront illegal actions. Some nations, like Frial for example, may even have a large handful of such specialized individuals but even still they are bound to use what assets are allocated to them by the military chain of command. This organization may make sense for smaller city-states or withering nations, allowing for easier oversight, access to existing manpower and infrastructure, and overall cheaper costs. For Ghal Pelor though, this became an impossibility. The city's continuing growth along with the need to protect the colonies and Manacite trade route to Tengu Town all led to the development of the GPCD.   The GPCD began operation in the aftermath of The Queen's Rebuke. The city's army was depleted and what remained had been stretched thin across the region, rescuing refugees, defending colonies, and stamping out remnants of The Autumn Queen's support. Crime skyrocketed during these tumultuous times as citizens turned to desperate measures to survive. Existing criminal enterprises also flourished thanks to the distraction of what was left of the army. Ghal Pelor decided that rather then carve off precious resources from the army they would form a separate organization made up of civilians to safeguard the city from within its walls. Rather than training in battlefield combat and arming them for war, they could instead teach them how investigate and safeguard against corruption.   The only example they had to build this new constabulary from was old Balmoral. Before its downfall during the Queen's War they too had similar problems and dealth with them by creating a policing force separate from their army. However; their approach had serious flaws in the more progressive eyes of Ghal Pelor. Balmoral gave considerable power to its judges, making them akin to executive decision makers with their own cadres of constables. Many outside of Balmoral saw these paladin-like judges as inquisitors or crusaders with almost no oversight. The full, nightmarish culmination of this structure can be seen playing out in modern day Lockland where pyrophants levy sentences against entire populations before leading pogroms against them. Ghal Pelor chose to keep their judiciary separate from the GPCD hierarchy helping to guard against corruption and consolidation of power in the hands of overzealous judges.   Today, the GPCD operates all across the city and within Ghal Pelor's colonies, maintaining order and vigorously pursuing criminal activity. Their headquartered out of the Anvil East Courthouse in Ghal Pelor proper but numerous outpost offices exist across the city and colonies. From here they guard against the criminal aspirations of individuals like Mr. Noble and all the way up to the continental aspirations of the Black Thorn Society. Most citizens welcome their presences and visitors prefer to see the more measured presence of the GPCD rather than armed soldiers like in other cities. Yet, they are not without critisism either. The constabulary's detractors accuse it of being soft, often slow to act, and often not prepared for truly dangerous situations. So far, these complaints are in the minority but should these voices multiple its always possible that either the army structure could return or judges might be given more direct control.


GPCD culture is generally one of awareness, alertness, and a desire to protect. They value acting with valor at all times and having the courage to act when need. There are sizable elements of the organization that operate with an overabundance of caution when it comes to anything manacite related. Incoming manacite from Tengu Town is vital to a lot of the city's inner workings but it has a terrible potential for damage as well. One should expect more extreme responses to any situation that involves magic or manacite.   Another interesting cultural trend is the competitive rivalry they have with adventuring companies, caravan companies, ruinsweepers, and mercenaries. These are seen as poachers who target top GPCD talent. They also loathe the way such independent organizations skirt the law to get their contracts done.

Public Agenda

To protect Ghal Pelor's civilians and visitors from crime as well as natural threats such as wild life.


To date the GPCD has approximately 2000 officers spread across the city, its three colonies, and the highways between them all (as well as along the route to Tengu Town). They have their own budget as well which is spent on manacite for spell-capable officers, the crafting of magic items, equipment, weapons, and infrastructure. The GPCD also has its own stable where horses are trained and bred from active duty. These are a lighter, more maneuverable riding breed compared to the army's heavy warhorses.   Part of their budget also goes to the lucrative salary officers receive. They are generally well paid, in line with that of the army, and have attractive retirement structures as well. While this contributes to attracting quality talent, it also leads to a low veterancy rate. Many officers are able to quickly build up enough aurins to resign and finance new careers or softer lifestyles.
Alternative Names
GPCD most commonly. Also Anvilers, Anvils, and other terms that reference the anvil symbology on their uniforms
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ranks & Titles


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