GPCD Chief Commissioner

Anvils are funny, you can play as rough with them as you want no harm done but bump off one commissioner and they get their knickers twisted up... babies
— Mr.Noble
  The leadership structure of the GPCD runs through a series of officers, up to regional commissioners, and then finally the primary executive of the organization- the Chief Commissioner.   Since the office's original inception, alongside the rest of the GPCD, the position was an elected one. Much like the rest of Ghal Pelor's government, the belief is that leadership should come from the people and not be thrust upon them. The Chief Commissioners are elected to three-year terms, matching the same cycle of many of the city's other civil servants.   However, unlike many other civil servant positions where the elected can come from any walk of life, the Chief Commissioner must have held a rank within GPCD for at least three years. Other than this occupational requirement anyone is able to run for the position and ascend to the top position within the policing organization.   Once elected, the Chief Commissioner has broad access to a number of different executive privileges. That includes utilization of the expansive budget, opening up more requisitions for officers, setting internal policy, and oversight of the wardens at the city's penitentiary.   There have been situations in the where Chief Commissioners have died or abdicated the office during their tenue. In this instance Ghal Pelor's Chancellor selects a replacement to occupy the office until the next election cycle. Historically, the Chancellor has always selected one of the existing regional commissioners to step up and fill the position in the interim.


Must have held a rank within the GPCD for at least three years prior to being elected


The Chief Commissioner is the highest paid member of the constabulary and enjoys the greatest retirement benefits as well

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Like most of the elected civil servant positions in the city, impeachment and removal is possible via vote from the city's Senate. Once removed, an interim will be appointed by the Chancellor until a new voting cycle for the office comes up.
Civic, Law
Source of Authority
This is an elected position and its authority is backed by city's government and army if needed
Length of Term
Three year terms with no limit on the number of times one can be elected to the position
Related Locations
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Aug 21, 2024 01:16 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

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