Lakewatch Vale Geographic Location in Tairos | World Anvil

Lakewatch Vale

Gods Below... do you remember Lakewatch's little pie shops! Best this city ever had! Bout' all it's good for now is disappearing ya with no questions asked and no traces left.
— Overheard in one of the taverns of Artisan Row
  Lakewatch Vale used to be the largest of Ghal Pelor's neighborhoods and home to almost a quarter of the population. It used to house the city's Rose Amphitheatre (named after Chancellor Gilpin Rose who commissioned it). It used to host the Color Festival, one of Ghal Pelor's most lively holidays. It used to be many things to many people but now, it is nothing more than a scar upon the city that will never fully heal. Six years ago disaster struck Lakewatch Vale, an event most refer to as the Black Wind.   A tornado touched down in the Vale during the dead of night and shredded across the entire neighborhood. The funnel cloud was observed by many to be as dark as pitch and roiled with unnatural lightening. Fires were lit, buildings crumbled, and thousands lost their lives all in the span of an hour's time. Then, as suddenly as it began, the Black Wind dissipated. In its wake nothing but damage and death on a scale that the city hadn't seen since the height of the Queen's War . Other areas like Ketche, Union West, West Village, and the Lakeside Market suffered as well but only superficially so. The brunt of the Black Wind struck the Vale and managed to flatten many apartment complexes, homes, and businesses. It also ravaged a third of the city's docks and shipyards, crippling inbound aid and much of the city's trade.   While the docks were prioritized (an unpopular decision among many, and one of the reasons the previous Chancellor lost his bid for reelection), building the Vale was not. Citizens were rehoused as best as possible, leading to a swelling population in cheaper areas like CrowCoil, West Village, and the slums of Trellaun Row. Some areas of Lakewatch Vale did eventually see relief money and rebuilding efforts, mostly in the last three years thanks to the newest Chancellor, Wilhulf Ryder. So far the areas nearest to the Lakewatch Market have seen the most aurins come in from the city's treasury but there are hopes to expand the efforts further, perhaps to even restore the Rose Amphitheatre.   What makes these efforts especially difficult are the gangs, the flooding, and the creatures that have moved in. First, Ghal Pelor has always had its fair share of crime and corruption. Perhaps more so than any other surviving nation in Tairos. Yet, while that may be true crime also faces stiff opposition from the city's constabulary and the current Chancellor's office. However; it is not a battle either of these forces are making much headway in. Many of the city's entrepreneurs who would be needed to help reconstruct the Vale are in fact some of Ghal Pelor's most criminal. Organizations like the Black Thorn Society run deep and brutal individuals like Mr. Noble act as a parasite upon any funds meant for relief. Second is the flooding. The damage caused by the Black Wind extends beyond just what is visible to the naked eye. Much of the Lakewatch Vale's infrastructure was devastated as well including its sewers and most importantly its pumps. Lake Tairos is prone to heavy rainstorms that arise frequently during much of the year. With the sewers damaged and pumps destroyed there is no way to keep overflows from drowning the neighborhood in ankle-deep water for days after a storm, and that is the best case scenario. During particularly powerful downpours floods can suddenly cascade through the area spreading further damage and sweeping away anyone unfortunate enough to still live there. The pumps were originally built in Ghal Ankhar and no suitable replacements have been made. The city's engineers have made what modifications they can to the pumps and sewers near Lakewatch Market to spare the new construction nearby from the worst of it. Lastly, and perhaps most significantly, are the newer inhabitants that lurk within the ruins. Dangerous of all sorts now prowl the neighborhood thanks to the absence of constabulary forces. Wolves are a frequent sighting, preying upon those who have refused to leave their homes. Rumors of far worse that wolf packs are frequently shared at pubs on the border of the Vale. Creatures such as Displacer Beasts, Bears, Giant Spiders, Maneating Frogs, Basilisks, hungry Grick, and of course whispers of Fae.   While the above threats are severe, it has led to a robust Ruinsweeper industry in Ghal Pelor. Ruinsweepers are a type of specialized types of mercenaries that can be hired to retrieve items from abandoned areas, flush out threats, or hunt down missing people. Some organizations are single small teams, like Dayne Reed's Blackhearts. Or multi-team operations like those run by White Knight Securities or Kypepper Reclamations.


Lakewatch Value is a massive neighborhood that is estimated to be between 80-90% in ruin. It has received little in the way of repair, maintenance, or even constabulary attention. As such, someone traveling through the area can expect to see swathes of abandoned structures, deteriorating environments, graffiti, and pop-up shanty towns for the displaced or forgotten.

Localized Phenomena

The MacMurdaugh Hotel. Once one of the most luxurious locals in all of Ghal Pelor (and the region), it is now the tallest ruined structure in Lakewatch Vale and casts its shadow over the entire area. It is the source of numerous ghostly tales and tragedies.

Fauna & Flora

While just about anything can pop up in Lakewatch Vale the most common things one can run into is vermin and mold. Both of theses pose considerable threat to anyone attempting to rehome in the area or even just pass through


This neighborhood was once the crown jewel of Ghal Pelor's tourism. While it was home to a considerable amount of the city's population it also attracted visitors with attractions like the MacMurdaugh Hotel, Tormas Confectionary Company, the Rose Ampithertre The Ghal Pelor Menagerie, and countless dining hotspots.
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