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Aramil, just Aramil

Aramil, just Aramil

An Ashlander cleric out to see the world, experience its hardships and sample its different varieties of hooch.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Facial Features

Ashlander tattoos

Apparel & Accessories

Rough chain hauberk, simple axe and round wooden shield. Something worn about the neck which he never shows to anyone.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was given away to the temple by his parents - given that they were quite poor, it was understood that this would provide him with a much better quality of life than if he'd stayed under their care. He was too young to remember this and grew up seeing the temple as his family, content to let the past stay in the past.   He was born (and therefore grew up) in the territory of House Chaadren, led by Tebryn, not within the lands of the merchant House Sultasar or the militaristic Korianthil. His House was renowned for their affinity for scholarship, and as the House who originally proposed the concept of using the Tortal as cheap labour.


Taught from a young age by two clerics of different domains (as well as mindsets), he naturally gravitated towards the Tempest cleric Sabress, rather than her Nature domain counterpart, Divgos.   One day during his studies, she brought up the subject of the Tortal (seeing as they are now an inextricable part of Ashlander life, for better or worse). She told him that they should be treated with respect, but kept at an arm's length. After all, while they improve the lives of the Ashlanders, their lives are very short and they don't have the knowledge or mental fortitude to make anything of themselves.   This knowledge was put to practical use the next day, when Sabress took Aramil to the ash-pits where the Tortal work. She singled out a single, particular aging Tortal, who Aramil saw was clearly sick. He was not able to work at the same pace as his compatriots, who were clearly compensating for his shortcoming.   Aramil cast Healing Word on him, and when challenged to explain his actions, he stated that the creature will soon expire from old age, and there's no need to make its final days unnecessarily painful. He further added that the Tortal will feel grateful and be more motivated to work.   Finally, Sabress asked him why an Ashlander should waste his divine-given powers on a creature who will die soon regardless, a creature from a race which receives no protection from any known gods. To this, he replied "Because We can. Because We are superior and we have that power".   Sabress said that the day was most educational. She then sent Aramil out into the world, so he can see for himself how the other races live. As well as how ultimately futile their short existence is, compared to beings who survive long past 700.

Failures & Embarrassments

Aramil died once. He came back to life, although he's never told anyone how.


Contacts & Relations

None so far

Religious Views

Pledged to Akadi

An Ashlander cleric out to see the world, experience its hardships and sample its different varieties of hooch.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
5e 772
Chaadren City
Current Residence
The Road
Dark Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
69 kg (nice)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Blood and thunder!"
Known Languages

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