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Balborus Halfmane

Balborus Halfmane

"Every kill will be magnificent!"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Balborus has a strong, proud physique

Body Features

Balborus' body is riddled with scars and scrapes after his many years of fighting in the arena

Facial Features

Balborus' face is also heavily scarred from years of fighting

Identifying Characteristics

Most Leonin take pride in keeping their manes well kept, however, Balborus' mane is scabby, dishevelled and very patchy

Physical quirks

Balborus tends to flick his tail in different ways depending on his mood

Special abilities

Balborus has the ability to let out a terrifying roar, and has the ability to hype himself up so much before a fight that in combat he thinks about nothing else

Apparel & Accessories

Balborus wears fighting gear from an arena, a leather and metal harness, he also wears leather bracers and wraps around his shins. Balborus carries a huge shield that is brass in colour, and a specially customised spear, with a shorter shaft and a larger blade (almost like a halberd)

Specialized Equipment

Balborus is heavily specialised in arena fighting, which includes a balanced mix of brutality and spectacle, no kill isn't magnificent...

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Balborus was a glorified gladiator for years in the continent of Bahrro. He fought hard an honourably, until one day he was met with a fight that he "didn't sign up for" The immoral acts that he performed during it shook him to the core and changed his mentality indefinitely. When he went to find the man who set him up for it he was no where to be found, all that was left was his payment, which he handed back. Balborus was then hired by a diplomat as a personal body guard on his travels to the Hasrabal. there after many years of service, Balborus drinks his days away, waiting for a purpose and a way to regain his glory and honour.

Gender Identity





Balborus only ever learned to fight, and he was trained by a number of mentors through his many years in the arenas


Currently he is employed by Barragon, where he works as a "bouncer" in his bar in exchange for a room, food and booze

Accomplishments & Achievements

Balborus became a local celebrity in Bahrro, he had many fans and achieved many victories.

Failures & Embarrassments

Balborus lost all his honour when he was forced to fight a group of slaves (including one of his own kind) who were terrified of him to the point that they ran away when the games began. He killed them and the crowds cheered, but he was a changed beast after that.

Mental Trauma

Balborus really struggled with this mentally, as it didn't feel fair for him to kill such terrified victims. Balborus knows in his line of work it is not best to ask questions nor dwell on the past, but this time it really hit home, and the fact that the crowds still cheered, when it could have easily been one of them in that position hurt him even more.

Intellectual Characteristics

Balborus is very street wise, he doesn't know too much about the other lessons of the world, but he is always eager to learn.

Morality & Philosophy

Balborus will fight if he is getting paid and can make a spectacle of it, he lives for fame and glory. However, it became apparent that he does have a moral compass, where he will not kill someone who is not an appropriate match for him.



Personality Characteristics


Balborus isn't heavily motivated at the moment, however he used to be completely motivated purely by the buzz of fighting in the arena.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Balborus knows pretty much every trick in the book when it comes to arena fighting and picked up many new tricks in his many years of service as a body guard.

Likes & Dislikes

Balborus enjoys simple things in life other than glory, he likes training, drinking, eating, betting, more drinking. He hates people who keep slaves, or anyone who puts themselves first. He also hates anyone who doesn't open a tab for him after a fight

Virtues & Personality perks

Balborus is always a good bet in a fight, he is also headstrong and Honorable, and will not kill an innocent.

Vices & Personality flaws

His virtues can also be his flaw, his honour is everything, he lost it once, he will not lose it again. He will also do anything to win over the crowd.

Personality Quirks

can become snarly in arguments and his tail can whip out depending on his mood.


Balborus has low hygiene standards concerning his mane, the rest of him he keeps fairly clean (he cleans the blood off himself, that is kind of it)


Contacts & Relations

Barragon of the Sunguides- ex diplomat and Balborus' current employer   Althea of the Sunguides- Barragons wife   Trilen- Balborus' ex employer   Ivriks- old sparring buddy

Family Ties

Balborus, originally sold as a slave, has little to no recollection of his family

Religious Views

Now a keen worshipper of Keranos

Social Aptitude

Balborus believes he is invincible and unbeatable in combat, so he is very egotistical and cocky.


He tends to snarl and wag his tail depending on various situations

Hobbies & Pets

Other than fighting and drinking, he has none


Balborus is very well spoken, considering his upbringing, he believed that he need to have good pronunciation if he wanted the crowd to understand him.

Wealth & Financial state

Balborus mainly lives off the small wages he receives from Barragon, other than that its just the food and drink he is provided

"The Bold, The Brave and The Boisterous"

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Bold" "The Brave" "The Boisterous" "Halfmane"
Current Residence
The Hasrabal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'4 ft
260 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"ROAAAAAAR" "Every kill will be magnificent!"
Known Languages
Leonin, common, Orcish

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