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  Durra, the current Chieftain of Hafnaross and first shieldmaiden of the Kugra-Shak Warchiefs.
  First encountered due to the "fame" garnered by the party regarding their actions in Laugar, she made a request that the party investigate the recent conflict between the "native" races and the other races that inhabit the area due to a recent murder of a local Orc. Due to Orcish laws, this would have constituted certain death for the murderer and any associated, however Durra understood that there were faults on both sides of the conflict and wished to know more before bringing down doom upon the relevant party, and this required a more subtle approach which she could not been seen to be involved in directly due to her position as view by the Orcs of The Hasrabal.
  After a time investigating the issue, the party believe they resolved the ongoing conflict and reported their findings back to Durra, who rewarded them handsomely and wished them good luck on their future endeavours, however specifically asked that they refrain from claiming to be an emissary of a God...
  Durra has a close political relationship to her Warchief, the Chieftain of the island capital - Bragga Kugra-Shak - the first Half-Orc to not only be a Chieftain, but more impressively Warchief. She shares the views of her Warchief that all should be treated equally, but changes take time for the people to accept, and Orcish law should change to fit with the new world everyone inhabits together.
  The party came across Durra again when given the opportunity to meet the Warchief Bragga Kugra-Shak after competing and winning in the arena during the week of the Blood Sports. When approached she came across relatively hostile compared to their last encounter with her, and when speaking with her in the confines of Bragga's council chambers, it was discovered that she felt the party had lied to her in their confirmation that the dissenter, Olyver Beck, had permanently left Hafnaross, as she confirmed that his efforts were instead redoubled and against her wishes but in accordance to the law, he was eventually captured, tried and hanged, as murder - regardless of reason - could not be tolerated.
  Post Transtemporal Travel
  As a result of the party's step back in time, their actions and misdeeds as perceived by Durra may well be forgotten (and perhaps for the best!), however it is unclear at this time what she knows or remembers from the time that was.

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