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"For once would you stop talking, small brain..." - Ghor talking to Bhalasar
Legacy Information
  Ghor, Veteran Hunter and respected member of the Snowtalons and the once leader of the Laugar Office, now deceased, was killed by the party once his plans to manipulate them in to completing his designs had been revealed and ultimately foiled.
  A self-proclaimed devout follower of Gruumsh One-Eye, Ghor believed that the current Age of Storms was created by the influx of outsiders to the Hasrabal, angering Gruumsh in to punishing the land and those who reside there.
  Further prior to his death, Ghor was once an expert hunter using tactical movement and a bow to pick out targets or provide distraction where needed to prevent catastrophe he moved on to using a brutal warmaul, common among the Bugbear kind, and grew to be resentful of other changing his tact to that of a far more blunt and headlong manner.
  Upon the party's arrival to the Fugue Plane and the strange circumstances around this, they were tasked by the Orc, Drazhg, to work with her expert tracker who turned out to be none other than the once antagonistic Bugbear himself. Now working with the party he has confirmed that he will assist them in their task in escaping the Fugue Plane, with the caveat that once back to the realm of the living the tenuous alliance will end there.
  Since finding himself in the Fugue Plane, Ghor has reinvented himself by reverting back to what he was once famed for in stealth and ranged hunting. With these skills he has carved a niche as an expert tracker and quasi assassin, taking trophies in the equipment he has collected in his time in the Fugue Plane. Sporting a bow and bone arrows, as well as dark cloak and hood, Ghor has become an operative in the shadows quite at odds with his huge size and stature.
  Ghor proved to be a valuable ally in obtaining the means to escape the Fugue Plane. Despite originally agreeing to help Drazg, Ghor saw that her goals were too clearly opposed to that of the party's, and chose instead to betray her with the ultimate intention of escaping with the party. Succeeding in this task, Ghor escaped the limbo-state of the Fugue Plane alongside the party, however diverging from them upon reentry to the Hasrabal.
  Post Transtemporal Travel
  With the events of the Time Step in motion, Ghor's existence was also rewound. After leaving the Underdark and returning to the surface, Ghor was discovered by the party to be alive and well, once more in charge of Laugar's Snowtalon's office. Despite a tense interaction with Balborus, Ghor appeared to keep a memory of the future world, and demanded to know what the party's involvement in all of this was, as he believe that surely no one else could have possibly brought this in to being.
  An aggressive dialogue between the party as a whole and Ghor continued until surprisingly, when learning of their involvement and what had actually taken place, Ghor thanked them for their intervention. Talking of the world of which he returned to being a hollow standing of what he remembered before his death, he came to the conclusion that culling the non-native population was not the answer but instead that everyone must band together to have any chance of defeating what he now knew to be called the "Slaad".
  Offered employment alongside Aramil at the Hermetic Order, Ghor declined knowing that he would be needed to protect that which was important locally and knew he was best placed to do so within his current position at the Snowtalons. Also stating that he did not wish to break his oaths to the organisation, he offered to assist the party in the ways he could - gathering reports and ranging out, providing the party with updates when he had them.

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