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Vhol Derenoth

Vhol Derenoth

Vhol Derenoth, a wanderer from the far off land of the Eagal. Having left the shattered remnants of his people behind, Vhol has spent a significant portion of his life on the Hasrabal. The tyranny of the Omniarch long behind him, Vhol carves out a living taking work where he can

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small in starture, even for one of his kind, Vhol had a slender build.

Body Features

Having suffered grievous injury during the defence of his homeland, Vhol is bound to a powered suit of armour. Notably missing a defined head area, this suit seems entirely alien and out of place in the Hasrabal.

Facial Features

His face is covered in a web of thick scarring, indicating both chemical, heat and slashing injury. On top of this, Vhol has lost a significant portion of his lower jaw. This has been replaced with a metal prosthetic, although purely for functional purposes.

Identifying Characteristics

The suit of armour Vhol is bound to has broad shoulders, devoid of a head. Upon closer inspection you could see small pores and vents covering this suit. A rich, dark crimson framed with bronze trim, the suit is covered in runes, sigils and calculations.

Physical quirks

Vhol has lost many parts of his body. The right leg, several ribs, his left arm triceps and his left lung are all absent, having been damaged beyond repair.

Special abilities

Having an affinity to crafting and augmenting tools and armour, Vhol is an artificer by trade specialising in powered armour by necessity rather than choice.

Apparel & Accessories

Having suffered the severe damage to his form, Vhol lives out his days in a hermetically sealed suit of powered armour of his own design. Carrying modified maces, a shield and crossbow Vhol defends himself with the fervor of a creature backed into a corner.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from the Eagal, Vhol was born into a technologically advanced society. Initially the technological boom was driven by a need to protect themselves. Grung being a small race left them open to attack from vicious predators. 
When the Omniarch rose to dominance, the Grung were unwilling to take sides or bow to his rule. An uneasy alliance was struck, where they were left largely alone. Then came the rebellion. Stuck between the rebels and the Omniarch's forces, Vhol's people were ground to dust. 
Having studied as an artificer, Vhol showed promise in power armour advances. In the attack, Vhol donned an experimental suit hastily modified for defensive combat. The unstable nature of the suit resulted in catastrophic failure, shattering his body beyond repair. Restorative magics failed, aggravating the injuries further.
Having survived, but stuck in a state of pained existence, Vhol created a support system to grant him a higher quality of life.


Studying under great Gung master Artificers, Vhol learned to ply his art in the pursuit of knowledge. Specialising in power armour, Vhol created many wondrous suits, close to gaining mastery of his art.

A medium suit of custom armour holding the remains of a shattered being. An artificer specialising in armour, he created the systems to keep him alive.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2' 4", increased to 5' 8" in his suit of armour
30lbs, his suit adding 60lbs

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