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Akasha Umbrallys

Duchess Akasha Ubrallys

Akasha was the Duchess of house Umbrallys through the years 774 - 778 and an antagonist throughout the first two seasons of Draece's Legacy. She was a deeply troubled woman with a depressing background having suffered imprissonment and horrific abuse at the hands of her family and King Salazar Samira - Sebak. She was a highly skilled Illusionist, able to easily manipulate the perception of other creatures (even beings as strong as lesser gods), and had access to several 9th level spells. She also was the only person to ever have two seperate resonant Symbols of Power at the time of her death.   Regardless of her dismissive and aloof demeanor, Akasha was a compassionate and loving woman, seeking for a way to liberate Relavar from the horrors of war and creating a utopia for everyone. That plan seemed feasible when she learned about the Properties of Nevobium, the Mask of Truth, however, the artifact led to her unmaking. She was killed as an act of mercy by Ser Thorismund Sundhaussen in the year 778.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akasha was born in the 11th of June 761 RGD to Duke Oldrich Umbrallys and his spouse, Duchess Elizabeth Umbrallys - Wolfgang. Her mother, Elizabeth, died a few hours after she gave birth to Akasha, causing Duke Oldrich to descent into a state of devastating despondency. Akasha was born bearing a symbol of power on her left shoulder blade, the symbol of reverie, over which she had no control. The symbol altered her perception of reality and caused the child to suffer horrible wounds and schizoid episodes in a daily basis, breeding the disdain of her father whom subconsciously considered Akasha culpable for his beloved wife's death. Being an austere and increasingly unreasonable man, Duke Oldrich hid the little girl away proclaiming her untimely demise, as to avoid her presence, for her presence reminded him of his spouse's untimely death and, moreover, her queer behaviour was considered problematic and shameful in court.   In the following years, Akasha spent her time in the dungeons of the Black Mass, hidden from sight and memory. Her only company throughout her early life, apart from the house's maids and servants that were dissallaowed to speak or see her (to keep her existence a secret) was her uncle, Axel Wolfgang, who nursed and cared for the little girl whenever given the chance and her sister, Erberyn.


Hector II Umbrallys


Towards Akasha Umbrallys


Akasha Umbrallys


Towards Hector II Umbrallys


Akasha Umbrallys


Towards Erberyn Marivaldi


Erberyn Marivaldi


Towards Akasha Umbrallys


Date of Birth
751 AoS 778 AoS 27 years old
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed in the heart by Ser Thorismund Sundhaussen (as an act of mercy).
Black Mass
Long and Tattered Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization


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