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Empire of Dragons

  • 0 AoF

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    The Golden Covenant
    Gathering / Conference

    The Golden Covenant took place in the Golden city of Vonahaf, hence its name. It marks the ending of the Age of Fire and the Beginning of the Age of Steel. During this seven-day-long council, the decisive diplomatic conference that ended the War of the First Flame, took place. The Original Seven came to an entente with the Eldest Wyrms. They agreed upon the Foundation of a Dragonrider Order. Its purpose would be the sharing of magical secrets and divine strength. The members of the order would be exponents from the Original Houses of Relavar, whom would, each, form a mystical bond with an exponent of the Dragonic forces, forging an everlasting alliance and a profound connection betwixt the two. As part of the Agreement, the Great Gods would leave the material plane, never to return, as would the Eldest Wyrms, past their departure, the dragonriders would help defeat the opposing forces of the Aboleths, Giants and Primordials. The covenant was sealed by three out of the five Eldest Wyrms, the Platinum Dragon, The Gemstone Wyrm and The Protean Dragon.

  • 33 AoS

    178 AoS

    The Cataclysm
    Military: War

    Past the Golden Covenant, the united forces of Dragons and Gods, along with the mighty Dragon Riders rode to war against the other major forces of Relavar. Namely, Aboleths, Giants and Primordials.

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    War of the Bleak Deep
    Military: War

    The 26-year-long war waged by House Saltreef against the Aboleth Tyrants of the Bleak Deep. The war ended with the near extinction of the Aboleths and the Capture of their young by God King Andaman Saltreef and his bannermen.

  • 124 AoS

    The Fall of the Great Leviathan
    Life, Death

    The deafeat and death of the Eldest Water primordial terrorizing the Oceans of Eden. The Great Leviathan was defeated in battle by God King Andaman Saltreef and his two sons, Nereus Saltreef and Tameus Saltreef. Andaman and Tameus died in the battle. Nereus bound the power of the Leviathan in Leviathan's Wrath, the house Weapon of House Saltreef.

  • 124 AoS

    Siege of the Emerging City
    Military action

  • 178 AoS

    228 AoS

    The Regal Division

    Year 178 marks the geopolitical division of the land under the rule of House Vonahaf into feudal states ruled by Dukes. Within the next 50 years, all of the Original Seven had split their territories in a respective manner. This 50 year long period is commonly known as "the Regal Division".

  • 178 AoS

    The Foundation of the Feudal States of the Golden Sea.

    178 marks the start of the Regal Division era. This era's beggining is signified by the segmentation of the Kingdom of Vonahaf, and the foundation of Houses Sangrefroid, Strauss, Umbrallys and Wagner. The Coronation of their respective Dukes happened under the rule of God King Morgeron of the House Vonahaf.

  • 178 AoS


    The Foundation of the Feudal States of Glacy Bay.

    In the beggining of the Regal Division era, much like House Vonahaf, House Saltreef, under the rule of King Nereus, split its Kingdom into feudal realms. House Avenmora, House Laexes, House Marivaldi and House Silvershore were founded that same year alongside other, minor Houses, and were Coronated Lords Paramount of their respective Duchies.

  • 180 AoS

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    Construction of Herga Stella
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of Herga Stella, the city of stars that served as catalyst to the paving of a common ground and the forging of a strong alliance between House Saltreef and House Jurgenhad.

  • 182 AoS

    The Vital Wars
    Military: War

    The War amongst houses Krilya (under the rule of Goddess Queen Alyona) and Muramasa (under the rule of God King Caishen) over the lands of the Ribcage. The war lasted 19 years and ended with the forces of house Krilya prevailing over the forces of God King Caishen.

  • 201 AoS

    Disbandment of House Muramasa

    After his defeat by the forces of House Krilya, God King Caishen Muramasa, and the remains of his family, were dethroned and succeeded by house Zemin. Most of the royal house was slaughtered in the ensuing battle, however, a minor branch managed to escape the Eastern Isle and save the house from extinction.