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House Saltreef

House Saltreef, is a member of the Original Seven as well as the Eldest of the Great Merfolk houses. The main branch, house Saltreef of Osvorate serves as the leading House of the Rebel Alliance, the head of which rules as King of the Allied forces. The secondary branch, House Saltreef of the Emerging City is the Principal House of the Caudal Cape, in which they rule as Lords paramount of the Caudal Cape. Their seat of power, the Emerging City, is an ancient submarine castle built by Storm King Thordak, and conquered by Prince Chalakon Saltreef in the year 124 EOD. The Saltreef sigil is an anchor tied in cordage and their words are "Against the Tide".  


Members of House Saltreef are known for being stern with big imposing figures. The House is renowned for its military competence, both on land and sea, and their naval prowess is widely considered unmatched throughout Relavar. In the long years of its existence, house Saltreef has never suffered defeat in the open sea. Although King Oromis Saltreef suffered great losses both in the Lake of Fire and in the Scarlet River during his Rebellion, those losses can be attributed to the overwhelming divine Strength rather than strategical outmaneuvering.  



The Age of Fire

House Saltreef was founded in the year -146 AOF by the God King Poseider Saltreef and is a member of the original Seven, alongside house Esirrae, house Jurgenhad, house Krilya, house Muramasa, house Valanya and house Vonahaf.  

The Empire of Dragons



War of the Bleak Deep
House Saltreef played a pivotal role in the Cataclysm. Namely, house Saltreef was the leading force in the war against the Aboleth tyrants of the Bleak Deep during the years 78 - 104. The house was accompanied by the houses Laexes and Avenmora whom, at the time, served as bannermen of the house. God King Andaman Saltreef, accompanied by his brother, Prince Chalakon and his eldest son, Nereus, managed to eradicate the tyrants in a display of unwavering military strength, sparing only a numbered few aboleths to later serve as counselors and unwilling allies to the house, providing insight and information over matters of history and politics.  
Siege of the Emerging City and The Fall of the Great Leviathan
The house thereafter joined forces with the rest of the original Seven, whom were currently at war with the coalition of the Giant forces. In the following years, house Saltreef managed to score many important victories. In the year 124 EOD, Prince Chalakon Saltreef led his forces against Storm King Thordak, defeating him and conquering the Emerging City which serves as the house's second seat of power ever since. During Prince Chalakon's siege of the Emerging city, God King Poseider alongside his two eldest sons, Nereus and Tameus, led a cataclysmic battle against the Great Leviathan, a primordial of impossible strength. The forces of house Saltreef were victorious, but King Andaman along with his son Tameus fell in battle and Nereus Saltreef inherited the Salt Throne. In the outcome of battle, Nereus managed to bind fragments of the Great Leviathan's power into the legendary Artifact: "Leviathan's Wrath" which serves as one of the house's Ancestral Weapons ever since.  

The Regal Division

Past the events of the Cataclysm, in the year 178, Nereus claimed Kingship over the Coasts of Glacy Bay and the areas surrounding the Coccyx and granted Lordship to the houses Avenmora, Laexes, Marivaldi and Silvershore. House Avenmora was granted dominion over the Sapphire Province, House Laexes over the Western Expanse, House Marivaldi over the Bleached Swathe and House Silvershore over the Wing. Several more houses were founded by the bannermen of house Saltreef, most notable of whom are house Northfell and house Solay.   Two years later, in the year 180, he forged an alliance with house Jurgenhad and within the next 40 years supported the foundation of Herga Stella, the city of fallen stars, which he ruled alongside King Hrothgar Jurgenhad. The city served as a common ground for melfolk and dwarves to live in unison, and its dominion was granted to house Knurlabraga, one of the major dwarven houses, in the year 220, as part of the contract between the houses Saltreef and Jurgenhad. King Nereus alongside King Hrothgar, led several skirmishes against the leftover forces of the Primordials and the rogue Dragons of the Tail. Their armies managed to subdue the Great Wyrm Tarmendal and gain access to the Wintertail Sierra. He

Against the Tide

Founding Date
-146 AOF
Alternative Names
The Old Folk
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Parent Organization
Related Species

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