Je partira pas

The French Je partira pas school subsidized lunch box was a hugely controversial subject when the program was initiated after the Alliance for Allah attempted an invasion of Southern Europe with calls for Jihad. The program was in effect from the period of hostilites from 2034 through 2037 and continued for an additional five years until 2042.   These boxed meals consisted of pork, dog meat, insect paste and soy derivatives containing brewers yeast that were processed shaped and formed into fruits and vegetables. Everything chock full of those lovely and wonderful artificial flavorings and colours that no one could ever determine what they were made from.   It was anticipated that the Muslim students receiving these lunch boxes would protest and that many would refuse to attend school. For those that refused to consume the meals in school, they were given failing conduct grades and left to go hungry through the day. Without energy to study their academic grades fell. This was reason to expell those who were age 16 or older and require them to enter the work force.   Those school aged children that refused to attend school had their parents fined and prevented from being able to homeschool due to a lack of proper materials and failing to meet minimal educational requirements.   In 2038 the Je partira pas boxes were expanded into the social network system and given out at food banks. All of this as an incentive to cause the Muslim population to self deport and reduce the possibility of having a fifth column within France's national borders.   The final expansion of the meal program was to extend it to the internment camps where Alliance for Allah prisoners of war were kept. The goal being to keep the prisoners in a weakened state when combined with the punishments that were derived from an extremely liberal interpretation of Sharia law such as removing a prisoner's right hand for theft and full castrastion for any perceived sexual crimes. It has been rumored that the removed body parts were also fed to the prisoners as a form of psychological torture to further break their will and create additional burdens on their countries of origin when repatriated after the end of hostilities. It is believed that operatives of the shadow organization STASI 9 who inflitrated the French military were responsible.   * A mistake, it was the corporations which made a mint selling cyber hands and Mister Moonlight bioware to the Red Crescent charity that are responsible.   Mr Jolly Time 17/09/2076   Whether or not the plan was right or wrong the Muslim population in France fell from an estimated 40 percent to less than 10 after the Eurowars concluded.

Cover image: by Blue Fairy 74


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