Tales from Vaxus

196th Cycle, 14th Column

Created by

Writers Team

"Vaxus is a world about change and how people react to an ever-changing world." -Author of Empire's Fall
  The world of Vaxus is one of magic and mystery. From the magically advanced mage-kingdom of Ekavaria to the mysterious iron-age Draelish, from the far-flung time-traveling Faelyn to the imperialistic rhabdophobic peoples of Immortan, Vaxus has been home to many stories and adventures. Recorded here-in on tablets of stone and bundles of paper are the findings of Sankara scholar Katurah Deke'takajel as she seeks to walk in the clawprints of her former mentor and uncover the mysteries of her people, as well as Kasniska adventurer Drahxdin Nawsklahmadin, a brazen explorer unafraid of breaking new ground as he explores the lands and cultures around him. Below lies an excerpt from the introduction of Straight from the Duma: Truths and Tales of Our World by Katurah, a book written to act as a guide for those who seek to explore the world of Olum through the eyes of the Draelish.  

State of the World

by Katurah Deke'takajel
The reclusive Draelish are a species known to others around the world as large, scaly oddities. Ekavarian scholars think they are merely lizards that have been changed by the Wilds. Others view them as scary, fire-breathing monsters who have gained sapience and are up to no good. I think we are noble creatures, unique in form and beautiful in design and who were created intentionally by our god-figures Akulus and Kykuun to explore the world and discover its hidden glories. But before we get into some of that, a brief history lesson is needed. Draelish have existed for thousands of years. Long ago, before the present scattering of clans and kin, our god-parents Akulus and Kykuun created the Draelish, second-born to Their name, and separated us into 11 tribes. To each one they gave power over a portion of the world. We call it Essence. These mystical Affinities have helped us journey to remote places of the world, dig in, and cultivate it for our own. The Da'Kasniska regard this power as something to lord over others, hastening their own fall. The Da'Sankara, on the other hand, seek to enlighten themselves through faithful observance, holding onto hopes found in their long-held traditions and beliefs. It is a hope that both groups hold, though they seek it differently. For we long to be reunited with our gods, and have ever since the event known as the Neskilmidar.   During the War of Heaven, our Mother-god, Kykuun, sided with the forces of darkness and turned on our Father-god, Akulus, raging war across the world. Their firstborn, the Great Ones, battled alongside their chosen Parent, bringing us alongside with them. The Draelish who sided with Kykuun became known as the Kasniska, their scales bearing the colorful hues of dominion and passion. Those who sided with Akulus became known as the Sankara, their scales bearing the metallic hues reminiscent of their stalwart hearts and faithful resolve.   Wounded and heartbroken, Akulus battled against his former lover, casting down Kykuun after fierce fighting, sealing her far down below into the depths of the world. Though victorious, Akulus was mortally wounded. Using his remaining power, Akulus sheltered the Draelish from the raging forces that were engulfing the world. Before entering his slumber, Akulus charged us to never forget what happened and to stay true to who we are. After warning us to beware the treacheries of Kykuun, Akulus disappeared. We have never forgotten what happened that fateful day and have been searching for a way to be reunited with our gods ever since.   Within the last two thousand years, the various wandering groups of Draelish have begun to settle down again, forming tight-knit clans and larger, more diverse tribes. Feuding between the Kasniska and the Sankara continue as we search the world for clues as to where the Great Ones and the Duma have gone. But with war brewing between Ekavaria and Immortan, secrets that have long been hidden have begun to rekindle, with the winds themselves bearing omens of change. It seems I have a lot of work left to do.   Follow me as I uncover our story in the world of Vaxus.  
Learn more about who the Draelish are, what other creatures live on Olum, and other ways to explore the world of the upcoming book series Empire's Fall by clicking on the icon below. If you're looking to learn more about Tales from Vaxus and who we are, visit here for our about page.