Tales from Vaxus Discussion Boards

Main Topics

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:12

General Discussions

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:14
Post discussions about the world.

Worldbuilding and Story Research

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:31
Post discussions about worldbuilding (whether in this world or your own) or links, articles, and/or websites that you found helpful while researching ways to improve your writing, science, history, or culture of your world.


Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:31
Discuss DnD, GURPS, Pathfinder, or any other TTRPG along with any character-building or game-mechanic/homebrew-workshopping thoughts or ideas.

Questions, Feedback, and Article Requests

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:30
Post any questions about the world or Tales from Vaxus, as well as any requests you may have for certain articles you would like to see created, any typos/suggestions/mistakes, or old articles that you would like to see fleshed out more.
Tales from Vaxus Discussion Boards

Side Topics

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:45

Art or Writing Showcase

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:49
Post pictures of any art you may doing, especially if it relates to the world, as well as any story you are currently writing (whether in Tales from Vaxus, the real world, or in your own world!).

Meme Quarantine Zone

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:52
For all those willing to enter, if you dare.

True Neutral

Wed, Dec 27th 2023 06:53
Place for discussions about video games, anime, or anything else none-TfV-related. Keep it chill. No NSFW content allowed.