Akulus's Resolve Feat

You have become a beacon of light to those around you, prevailing time and again against the darkness. Your scales become fully metallic as you stand with those molten titans of old, who forsook their claim for a new path.

Prerequisite: Disciple of Akulus feat, 15th level
  • Master of Essence. You gain immunity to the damage type that's associated with your Affinity.
  • Resplendent Mantle. When you fail a saving throw, you can instead choose to reroll, adding your proficiency bonus to the roll. You must use the new roll. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • Path to the Kingdom. Your Ancient Heritage and Nova Blast abilities are extended out to a 30-foot radius instead of the previous amount. Additionally, the damage dealt by Nova Blast is increased to 8d6 radiant damage.
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Cover image: Falindrith by Sam Santala


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