Core Affinity Traits in DnD 5e

Every Draelish has a well of Essence that resides within them, granting them sustenance, power, and traits inherent to their Affinity. Affinities govern which subspecies a Draelish falls into, having absorbed a distinctive Essence from the world around them while growing inside the egg. Draelish are unique in the way that they interact with the world, collecting and using a magical energy native to them called Essence. Each type influences the Draelish in different ways, from the color of their scales to the nature of their essence exhalation. From the top of their head to the tip of their tails, Essence connects the Draelish to the world around them: it is the center of their religion, the conduit to their gods, and governs where they settle and when they reproduce. There are eleven types of known Affinities in the world, each with their respective traits.   Relu (Air Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Nimble. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. You can also jump two times the normal distance, though you can't jump farther than your remaining movement would allow.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Lightning damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 5-by-30-foot line, which requires a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Lightning damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Tan (if Kasniska) or Cobalt (if Sankara).
  Gana (Water Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Aquatic Adaptation. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can breathe underwater up to 1 hour x your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 hour). Additionally, you have darkvision, allowing you to see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were in dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Acid damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 15-foot cone, which requires a Constitution saving throw in order to avoid. You can deal Acid damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Blue (if Kasniska) or Mercury (if Sankara).
  Kish (Earth Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Earth Treader. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock you prone.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Thunder damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 5-by-30-foot line, which requires a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Thunder damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Brown (if Kasniska) or Nickel (if Sankara).
  Nemun (Life Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Vitality. As a reaction, you can end one disease or condition on yourself. The condition can be Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Poisoned. Once you end one disease or condition using this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Poison damage type. You also have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 15-foot cone, which requires a Constitution saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Poison damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Green (if Kasniska) or Zinc (if Sankara).
  Duras (Hades Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Inner Flame. You have darkvision, allowing you to see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were in dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Fire damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 5-by-30-foot line, which requires a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Fire damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Red (if Kasniska) or Wolfram (if Sankara).
  Het (Heavens Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Desolate Dweller. You have resistance to the Cold damage type. You are also naturally acclimated to high altitudes, including elevations above 20,000 feet.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Fire damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 15-foot cone, which requires a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Radiant damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Yellow (if Kasniska) or Gold (if Sankara).
  Tejet (Mind Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Mental Defenses. You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or Frightened.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Psychic damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 15-foot cone, which requires an Intelligence saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Psychic damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Pink (if Kasniska) or Silver (if Sankara).
  Patuk (Body Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Enhanced Strength. You count as one size larger than what you are when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Bludgeoning damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. If your Essence Exhalation is an Action, you charge forward in a 5-by-30-foot line, plowing through enemies, which requires a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid. If your Essence Exhalation is an Attack, you punch an opponent within 5 feet of you instead. You deal magical Bludgeoning damage with your breath attack.
  • Scale Color. Orange (if Kasniska) or Iron (if Sankara).
  Zinu (Spirit Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Otherworldly Discernment. You have Blindsight out to 10 feet, in addition to your normal senses. You can see invisible creatures and objects, and through fog or darkness (magical or nonmagical) within this range. If you pick up Blindsight from any other source, this vision increases by an additional 5 feet per instance.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Necrotic damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 15-foot cone, which requires a Constitution saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Necrotic damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Cyan (if Kasniska) or Copper (if Sankara).

Special Characters

  Mejul (Light Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: Ancient Light. You have magic resistance, granting you advantage on saving throws against spells.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Radiant damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 15-foot cone, which requires a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Radiant damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. White (if Kasniska) or Brass (if Sankara).
  Sedrak (Shadow Affinity):
  • Affinity Attribute: One with Shadows. You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 60 feet.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Fire damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You breathe out in a 15-foot cone, which requires a Constitution saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Necrotic damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Violet (if Kasniska) or Lead (if Sankara).
  Formless (No Affinity): You lose all ties and benefits to the original Draelish template you chose, treating this as your new template.
  • Relentless Determination. You gain one feat of your choice. You also gain one skill proficiency and one tool or language proficiency of your choice.
  • Cut off from the Daegu. You have no Jaeda flowing through your veins. Your scales are also bereft of color, instead taking on various shades of grey. You cannot use abilities that use Essence. This includes breath exhalations, the Font of Essence feat, and the Skilled Duumarle feat. You are also free from the Curse of the Aeld trait that all other Draelish have.
  • Sacred Grey. Unbeknownst to many, Formless possess an ability that no other Affinity has access to. You can take another Draelish's Affinity and apply it to yourself if they are willing, but it kills the other Draelish in the process each time you do so. This allows you to gain the scale color and resistance for that Affinity. You can absorb multiple colors, but you can only have one color (and its resistance) active at a time, changing which one you have active upon finishing a short or long rest. You can also give your colors to another Draelish, but it kills you in the process, and you do not know how it will affect them. This ability grants you a shallow pool of Essence, but you still cannot use any Essence features besides an Affinity's resistance.
  Januris (Flux Affinity): If you roll in the Special's chart while playing in a campaign set during the Age of the Clans (AotC), you cannot play as a Januris. If you are playing in a campaign set during the Age of the Kingdom (AotK), you may start as a Flux if you roll it.
  • Affinity Attribute: Inheritor. You can choose an Affinity to match with, gaining its Affinity Attribute trait. You can switch which Affinity you are matched with upon finishing a short or long rest.
  • Resistance. You have resistance to the Force damage type.
  • Essence Exhalation. You shoot out an unstable ball of pure energy that explodes in a 10-foot-radius sphere within a range of 60 feet, which requires a Dexterity saving throw in order to avoid. You deal Force damage with your breath weapon.
  • Scale Color. Magenta
Rook by Sam Santala
Bharash Shestendeliat'h by Sam Santala
Rook Commission by Cookie (Michal Niewiadomy)
Draelish Clans of the Northern and Southern Continents


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