Draelish Population Statistics

During the Age of the Clans - 196th Cycle, 14th Column (AotC)

The population size and growth rates of the Draelish are shaped by their reliance on the Daegu, granting them innate powers and expanded capabilities at the cost of limited expansion. When compared to Hearts, the population difference is about 214:1, with the Draelish making up the smaller number. With the Hearts having a population of about 270 million at the time of the 192nd Cycle, in comparison, the Draelish population is about 1,260,000. This number can be divided up amongst the various Jaeda Tribes, which is further divided into three main population categories of clans, followed by eight levels of intra-clan organizations, three levels of large growth expansions, and special characters. Many of these special character populations are restricted in terms of how many can come about per generation, but like most Draelish, where they lack in numbers they more than make up the difference in raw strength.
  Table of Contents:
  • Part 1: Draelish Communities
  • Part 2: Clan Types
  • Part 3: Clan Settlements
  • Part 4: Special Characters
  • Part 5: Era Statistics

Part 1 - Draelish Communities


Draelish communities are found almost exclusively in the form of what they call clans. These clans represent groups of Draelish that have bonded themselves together through family, shared communal spaces and responsibilities, tradition, and Essence. Most clans are comprised of a single Affinity (also called a "Jaeda" or, collectively, as "the Daegu"), though some of the larger clans (known as Ulkar clans) can have two or even three Affinities living together or near one another at any given time (currently 2 out of the 18 Ulkar clans exhibit this anomaly). Though most concentrations of Essence generally stay away from other types of Essence, in the rare event that another does show up, it is either much smaller than the first one present or very close to equal in size. Occasionally, there may also be fleeting occurrences of a "non-native" type of Essence appearing in the region, only to quickly dissipate soon afterward. These occurrences are either isolated, one-time events or occur as a series of short, recurring incidents. (The outlier occurrences of Elemental Essence usually comes about through spontaneous weather phenomena, with Ancestral Essence generally coming about completely out of the blue. If Concentrated Essence has formed, then it has been silently building for some time and is here to stay.)  

Part 2 - Clan Types


Type 1: Ridal - The Smallest of the Clans

Ridal clans feature some of the smallest clan organizations due to there not being enough Essence in a region. Clans that fall under the Ridal category usually inhabit an Essence Spring, a region where essence is known to well up at times, only to disappear when it has been used up or when the mysterious source is unexpectedly cut-off. A Ridal clan’s main source of resources come from foraging due to their constant search for a suitable essence spring. More nomadic than Midan clans, a Ridal clan rarely engages in farming beyond animal husbandry.   Population Statistics
  • The total combined population of Ulkar clans and Midan clans is about 916,800 Draelish, leaving about 343,700 Draelish unaccounted for. Most of these are found in roaming Ridal clans, which travel throughout the Wilds in search of Essence springs or the coveted pools and hotspots.
  • Up to 80 Draelish can live comfortably in a Ridal clan, with most averaging around 45 individuals. The maximum population that can be attained is 100, but this begins to put stress on the amount of Essence being absorbed, prompting the clan to either split up or look for an Essence Pool.
  • Most Ridal clans feature Elemental affinities, with any appearances of Concentrated affinities appearing sporadically and Ancestral affinities very rarely.
  • A Ridal settlement is known as a Redoubt and is about the size of a band or hamlet, with the Heart equivalent being known as a homestead or even a large camp.

Type 2: Midan - The Most Common of the Clans

Midan clans are able to enjoy longer residency due to the nature of Essence Pools, where Essence has gathered over time but rarely renews back to its original capacity once discovered. Due to the temporary nature of Essence Pools, Midan clans don’t generally rely on resource-gathering spots for more than a generation or two, though occasionally they may come back to one if the new hotspot isn't too far away.   Population Statistics
  • Midan clans contribute about 780,000 Draelish towards the total global population count, split up into about 1,000 clans that are further split between the Kasniska and Sankara.
  • Up to 1,000 Draelish can live in a Midan clan at any one time before reaching the maximum capacity for a sustainable population based on the amount of essence being produced.
  • Elemental clans average at about 700 Draelish per clan, with about 630,000 in total dispersed.
  • Concentrated clans average at about 500 Draelish per clan, with about 150,000 in total dispersed.
  • A Midan settlement is known as a Bastion and is about the size of a village or small town, with the Heart equivalent being known as about the same.

Type 3: Ulkar - The Largest of the Clans

Ulkar clans inhabit regions where rare Essence Hotspots are found. These hotspots tap into the underlying Ley Lines that crisscross regions all around the world. Due to their permanent nature, Ulkar clans are able to invest in foundations that will last generations. Unlike most clans that have only a limited amount of time in an area, once an Ulkar clan has established the amount of Essence that flows through their region and the resulting population cap, they can then focus on improving clan upkeep and maintenance, establish temple duties, build up a garrison alongside patrols, and establish a permanent Archive and Hall, as well as divert resources to merchants and craftsmen.   Food Production
  • Ulkar clans rely on clan-wide rotations between groups of Draelish for resource gathering such as crop rotation, hunting ground, and fishing to help feed the clan. For Kasniska clans, it is customary to rotate families and cabals between resource gatherings based on a schedule determined by the clan’s leading Dynasty, which helps to promote healthy competition and a sense of ownership for the clan. As for Sankara clans, they are known to set schedules determined by the clan’s council to rotate between the different clusters into and out of farming seasons. Most Draelish participate in this rotation of farming, patrols, and other duties unless they have gained special provision from the council due to a specialization or condition.
  Population Statistics
  • Ulkar clans contribute about 136,800 Draelish towards the total global population count, split up into about 18 clans.
  • These 18 clans are split in half between the Kaniska and Sankara, and are composed of six Elemental clans (12 in total) and three Concentrated clans (6 in total). The Ancestral Affinities are not known to gather into clans due to their random nature.
  • Elemental Tribes generally average at about 8,400 Draelish per clan, with about 100,800 in total dispersed.
  • Concentrated Tribes average at about 6,000 Draelish per clan, with about 36,000 in total dispersed.
  • Up to 12,000 Draelish can live in an Ulkar clan at any one time comfortably, with this number representing the maximum capacity for a sustainable population.
  • Beyond that, about 16,800 Draelish can live within the area, but such a number is not sustainable for long periods of time and can cause problems for the daily need for Essence.
  • An Ulkar settlement is known as a Citadel and is about the size of a town or small city, with the Heart equivalent being known as about the same.

Part 3: Clan Settlements

It has been established that Draelish populations have 3 main categories when determining clan size and influence. While these categories can be useful when determining clan population, they fail to showcase the different sociopolitics present in Draelish society. There are 11 groups in total that detail Draelish social growth, 4 unique to the Kasniska and 4 unique to the Sankara, with an additional 3 hypothetical groups shared between the two.

Sankara Settlements

The Sankara are known for their sense of clan unity among the different tribes. Starting as a group of like-minded peers or a single family (called a Clutch), when several of these groups come together, they form a closely interlocked community known as a Cluster. When multiple clusters are grouped together and are of the same Affinity, they are called a Grove, and when multiple many different clusters come together, whether of the same or different Affinity, it is called a Vale.   Tier 1: Clutch
  • A Clutch is a group of Draelish that live together and are typically composed of multiple individuals, from a handful to over two dozen. Most clutches are formed when a group of Draelish have found commonality with each other after reaching their first cycle and may include biologically related and/or unrelated members. Represented by a band in a minuscule-density settlement hierarchy (Source), clutches represent the heart of Sankara society. Though these individuals form close bonds with one another, it is generally frowned upon for one member of a clutch to mate with another member of the same clutch if that clutch has a population lower than two dozen. It should be noted that for the Sankara, their young are often raised by the clan together instead of two individual Draelish, with bigger clans having rotations watch over the Draelings within the hatchery complex as they learn to become a part of the clan, forming bonds with as many different Draelish as possible, with the Draeling's birth parents often acting as a sponsor or mentor to the child as they continue to grow in the hatchery's clutch, and will include them within their own clutch or cluster if they have not yet formed one with their peers. With this in mind, Ridal clans often break this rule until they reach Midan or Ulkar clan size.

  • Tier 2: Cluster
  • When a clutch grows too big to the point that several groups begin to split apart in order to settle in different regions or work with different resources or focuses, those that stay near one another, sharing in clan maintenance, responsibilities, and projects, form what's called a Cluster. Representing closely connected habitations, with some sharing a communal bathing pool, market plaza, or other resources, these close-knit communities are akin to hamlets or small villages.

  • Tier 3: Grove
  • A Grove is formed when a cluster begins to grow too large, to the point that multiple clusters begin to form. In order to regulate clan growth until the Essence population cap is discovered, individuals from each cluster come together to form a clan council, which then coordinates group regulation, an organized sharing of resources, rotational maintenance work, and infrastructure. There are many benefits for a clan that grows this large. After having established a council made up of representatives from all the different clusters and individual clutches, the clan can then begin to rotate groups between farming, scouting, and hunting, set up clan hatcheries, an archive, and temples, and establish yearly tournaments, clan feasts, and other large events. Formed to help govern larger clans, a grove can form from as little as two clusters up until four or more and are akin in size to small towns.

  • Tier 4: Vale
  • While groves are generally made up of Draelish of the same Affinity, a Vale is a rare type of clan that's composed of multiple types of Affinities. A group rarely seen among the Draelish due to the Essence population cap imposed on singular Affinity hotspots, a vale is a group of groves compiled of different Affinities that have decided to band together in one area or region under one clan name, establishing a shared culture, the sharing of resources, and growing inter-tribe relations. This is because multiple sources of Essence Hotspots have formed in the region, with each source generating one type of Affinity, usually through criss-crossing ley lines or powerful energies lying dormant in the region. There are currently two known Vale-sized Ulkar clans, a Kasniska clan on the Southern Continent and a Sankara clan on the Northern Continent, both composed of three tribes each (the terms "tribe" and "affinity" are used interchangeably here).

  • Kasniska Settlements

    Whereas the Sankara are focused on clan-wide unity through disparate groups coming together, Kasniska clans are composed of tightly-knit family groups that unify slowly over time due to politics, conquest, and convenience. Beginning with a family unit, which, when grown beyond capacity or due to a new family introducing themselves to the region, grow to include alliances and partnerships. As these families grow closer and closer together, growing bigger over time, they may come together, becoming a Cabal or Guild. Such an organization usually leads to one family gaining prominence over the others, causing that family to try to take control and, if successful, assume the role of a Dynasty. The lead Dynasty in a clan, followed by their Cabals or Guilds, may then began the process of claiming the role of Clan Sovereign. Rarely would a Kasniska clan stand united in such a way, though as their clans grow bigger and bigger, such a necessity for clan coordination may make this role inevitable.   Tier 1: Family
  • The family is the most important social unit that a Kasniska Draelish can have. Though matriarchal in nature, males tend to hold political power when dealing with day-to-day affairs in the clans, with the female having final say on matters of business, family growth, projects, and clan goals as the Matriarch. Ranging from a single household to a sprawling complex, a single family can have as little as 2 individuals just starting out to as large as an entire clan. However, when a family grows too large, or when a Matriarch feels threatened by a particular individual or faction within the family, this can cause a split to occur. Depending on the region size, 2-4 different families may be able to exist within the same region without too much interference, with each holding a tentative alliance between the different Matriarchs. If these groups cooperate well enough or mend relations over time, a Cabal may form, especially if other groups begin to move into their region.

  • Tier 2: Cabal
  • Families rarely stay in long-term alliances with other families unless some benefit is to be gained. Making up the vast majority of Kasniska clans, Cabals are formed when a family has outgrown one Matriarch but seeks to maintain ties together. This can happen when a prominent daughter moves to establish her own family, resulting in her mother granting her the choice to either form a Cabal where they would share resources while allowing her daughter to become her new family's Matriarch or to leave the family. Cabals can also form when several different families agree to work together to secure an area while maintaining control over their own respective families. This alliance would be akin to a partnership and includes the two groups merging their family compounds into one sprawling complex, and while some cabals work to maintain equal balance among their members, others seek to develop an edge over the rest.

  • Tier 3: Guild
  • When a cabal agrees to forge a partnership with another cabal, this type of alliance is called a Guild. A guild can include as little as two cabals to as many as can peacefully work together. However, unlike a cabal's complex, a guild does not require its members to form one large complex, allowing distinct ties and controlled areas to remain in order to control the entire region. Those Matriarchs that hold the most sway or are appointed to represent their cabal are called that cabal's Monarch. It is the monarch's responsibility meet up with other monarchs of the guild to determine the direction the guild will move in.

  • Tier 4: Dynasty
  • When one family gains enough influence and control over the other families in a guild, to the point that they would become willing to place themselves under one banner, the controlling family is then referred to as a Dynasty, with the leading Matriarch attaining the title of Archon, with her chosen mate attaining the title Viceroy. If a Dynasty attains enough control and sway over all the other dynasties, forging an alliance between all if not most of the families, then that dynasty's matriarch will then attain the title of Sovereign, essentially becoming that clan's leader. Sovereigns control vast power over the other families of the clan, turning a disparate collection of families into one unified force. While the Sankara attain this level of coherence between different groups faster than the Kasniska, once the coherence is attained, it is quickly matched in efficiency. It must be stressed however that remaining sovereign is no easy task. Bearing the responsibility of maintaining clan resources, keeping a firm grip on their cabals and guilds, keeping watch over the other families and their plans, maintaining appearances over the ever-shifting and evolving intra-clan politics that may threaten their power and hold, tracking any problems that the clan faces, parlaying requests, commissioning infrastructure and projects that come up during clan-wide meetings, and any other goals or problems are just some of the responsibilities a sovereign is willing to govern when they decide to attain the position. If alliances are not kept and satisfaction dwindles, a new dynasty may form and overthrow the leading one. Though in some ways, if a Dynasty has proven that they can guide the clan towards success, it may be easier for a scheming Matriarch to build sway during the Clan Meet (a meeting where the heads of families, cabals, and guilds meet with the leading Dynasty in order to air grievances, barter favors, propose projects, and request help or resources, usually occurring once every month, season, or year) than to take over all of the responsibilities that a Sovereign must adhere to.

  • Large Growth Expansions

    These next three clan settlements are special in that none currently inhabit the world, remaining largely hypothetical unless the current Draelish population cap can be raised sustainably in regards to Essence concentration and food production.
      Tier 5: Draelish Cities
  • Though no Draelish clan has yet reached this level of society, due to the population cap imposed by Essence and the slow growth of inter-tribe clans, true cities would represent the next step in the evolution of Draelish society. Currently, single-tribe cities might be possible if the Elemental Lords allowed such expansion to occur inside their domains, otherwise, multi-tribe metropolises would only be possible in areas where multiple Essence hotspots would occur right on top of each other. With the population cap being limited by Essence, if the Draelish ever found a way to expand the production and/or refinement of Essence in such a way that would allow their population to grow, their society would need to rethink issues like food production, breeding rights, and a host of other potential problems.

  • Tier 6: Draelish Kingdom
  • All Draelish seek to reclaim the glory they had during the age of the Draelish Kingdoms as recorded in their legends, with massive cities where all of the tribes were present or city-states led by one of each tribe. This was a time when their gods dwelled with them in Heaven, ruling within their own domain. While heaven may be lost for now, there still lies the hope that a new Draelish Kingdom can rise, reestablishing their place within the world and standing united once again. Both Kaniska and Sankara hold onto this dream, though both may have different versions of it and its impact on those around them, with the Kasniska coming under the banner of a Queen and the Sankara under the banner of a united Council.

  • Tier 7: Draelish Empire
  • Though extremely unlikely, if the total population of 1,260,000 Draelish all came together to form an Empire, then they would be able to amass a nearly unstoppable, united army of at least 300,000 Draelish.* Such an outcome isn't currently possible, given that there is no way to generate Essence indefinitely. If such a case would happen, it would either be led by an Empress if Kasniska or a Grand Council if Sankara, or something else entirely if ruled by both.
  • *This number would likely be much higher if enough time was given. The amount of 300,000 represents the number of Draelish that would be ready for battle at any given time since they are employed as full-time, around-the-clock soldiers.

    Part 4: Special Characters

    Within the world of Vaxus, there exist differing levels of power for Draelish to obtain. Though all are inherently magical, some Draelish find themselves drawn towards powers only spoken about in myths and legends, joining a set number of Draelish in the world who have also risen in the sight of their gods.   Power Categories
    • A standard Draelish is as strong as 6-10 everyday Hearts, and can take up to a 6-name Demon, compared to Heart villages that would fall to one 1-name Demon, due to a Draelish’s enhanced abilities and magical nature. Though all Draelish start off relatively equal in power, different factors can help increase one's individual power, whether they have increased capabilities of channeling Essence or are born as a rarer Affinity type.
    • One such case is the Essence wielders known as Duumarle. These are Draelish who can draw upon the natural magic found in their blood to enhance their natural essence magic above standard Draelish, increasing in power as they grow in mastering the channeling of Essence. All Draelish channel Essence within themselves, but not all learn how to use it outside of volatile exhalation. All clans are expected to have at least one duumarle in order to help divert the more volatile aspects of Essence away from inhabited dwellings.
    • Another case is a special category of Draelish that operates within a rare sub-type of Daegu. Found among the 11 main types but set apart by blessed occurrence are Draelish who find themselves transformed into a Consecrated sub-type of their Core Affinity. Enjoying increased power and access to a larger set of abilities thanks to their divine blessing, they are additionally given an honorific title that links them to their legendary Shr'keldar patron, with the Kasniska version of this honorific having the individual called Xaudin (Meaning: Crystalline) and the Sankara version of this honorific having the individual called Sundar (Meaning: Molten). Both types attribute their blessing to the channeling of the 12th type of Essence (if Kasniska) and the 13th type of Essence (if Sankara), with those types of Essence being attributed to Kykuun and Akulus, respectively.
    Consecrated Sub-type Statistics
    • There are about 10 Consecrated Draelish in existence at any given time (that's about 1 for every 100,000 Draelish) and are found about evenly split between the Kasniska and the Sankara. Appearing around higher concentrations of Draelish, they are usually spotted inhabiting Ulkar-sized clans.
    • When scaled on the Auramancer Power Level chart, they are leveled as 0.5 in power, giving them Auramancer-like powers while not being counted as a full-on Auramancer.
    Power Categories Continued
    • Though it has been stated that all Draelish start off relatively equal in power, there is a type of Draelish that, due to various unfortunate events, results in the cutting off Essence during vital growth stages of Draelish egg development. The type of Draelish resulting from such a trauma are called Formless Draelish. These Draelish are weaker than others in that they cannot channel any type of Essence. Appearing grey-scaled and often emaciated, Formless are often found to have more diminutive features than that of Draelish who absorb the full amount of Essence that's needed for proper growth. Though still possessing some inherent strengths, most Formless are considered weaker than their standard brethren.
    • Named after the legendary figure of Draelish legends, Draelish who have inherited access to the hidden 14th type of Essence find themselves tied to the chaotic magic used by Heart aspetheurgists (called Flux). These Inheritors of Ajanur come only about once per generation, sometimes skipping one to having two appear in another. Legends say that this type of Draelish can only from an equal parentage of Kasniska and Sankara, with each parent having to come together in equal unity of spirit, with any disparity resulting in another type of Affinity being born based on the stronger parent. Representing neither Kasniska nor Sankara, Draelish who are born of Ajanur are a new and strange type of Draelish, sacrificing both ancestries for something new.
    • When placed on the Auramancy chart, Januris (Flux) Draelish fall between Tiers 4 and 5, counting as a full-on Auramancer, and one of the highest at that.

    Part 5: Era Statistics (Age of the Clans)

    The current era of the world is largely a medieval one, where much of the population, around 90%, are farmers, which produce food for the remaining 10% of the population that lie in cities (artisans, soldiers, aristocrats, and the elderly). Because the Draelish rely on Essence to feed 30% of their diet, only 60% of the population needs to gather resources for daily consumption.   However, due to living in the Wilds and the dangerous threats that lurk about, about 30% of the population are set aside to protect the clan through guards, patrols, and sometimes even a local garrison. The remaining 10% of the population that aren't assigned to guard duty or resource gathering make up other groups, such as specialists like merchants, traders, and craftsmen, important positions such as priests and rulers, and clan upkeep, including those who watch over the hatcheries, the clan's archive, and other important sites.   Other things to remember:
    • Smaller groups of Draelish like to clump together due to the smaller amounts of Essence in a region, but due to having less mouths to feed, generally have more food. Larger groups of Draelish like to spread out in places of more Essence, taking advantage of the increased population cap, but have less food overall due to having more mouths to feed.
    • Sankara are more likely to mingle with Draelish from other clans and tribes, whereas the Kasniska are more likely to stay within their established homesteads or villages and away from a more town-like setting.
    • As is standard for this time period, people aren’t typically willing to travel outside of up to 1 mile for farmland, with fishing and hunting being the exception of this rule.
    • In Ekavarian settlement terms, Draelish are known to form homesteads, hamlets, and villages, Because towns and cities are generally known as settlements where specialists congregate (who do not work for food and are bigger than a guild), Draelish towns are very rare, but are known to form when several different clans start living closer together, setting up trading routes and building up interclan relations. As of now, no Draelish cities are known to exist.
    • A helpful resource used in the creation of this article can be found here.
      Sankara Youth:
    • Draelings who haven’t reached their first cycle (14 years of age) spend a number of years out on assignments with different groups in order to promote cohesion within the clan, learning various skills along the way and discovering their own clutch mates as time goes on. After reaching their first cycle and forming their own clutch, whether through friends or clan assignment, they are then added to the rotation, helping to foster healthy crop rotation and clan stewardship.
    Preferred Habitat:
    • Though other species may prefer serene fields and graceful, rolling hills, Draelish live in harsh, often extreme environments due to the nature of Essence. Because essence fills them, they are protected from the chaotic magic inherent to the Wilds that moves in to fill other creatures that live within, and, unlike when other sentient species inhabit a Wild zone, Draelish aren't changed overtime unless a Wild surge hits them. The denizens of the Wilds, known as Wildlings, rely on this connection to the Wilds to sustain themselves, and cannot leave beyond a certain distance, becoming intrinsically tied to their region.
    A note on Draelish biology:
    • There is a stark difference in the ways the Kasniska and Sankara raise their young. While the Kasniska maintain close family bonds throughout their entire lives, maintaining strong connections with each other and seeking to grow their family's prestige at the cost of growing clan-wide relations, Sankara families work differently. Kasniska see mating as a way to increase relations and prestige with other families, create a new power dynamic in the region, or continue growing the family's size and range of skills, while Sankara see mating as a way to continue clan connection and growth. Both can mate out of love, though Draelish generally have more control over their emotions than Hearts do, rarely mating out of base desire and more out of a need to fulfill the population cap of the region, with Kasniska families raising their young while Sankara communities work together to raise theirs.
    On inbreeding:
    • Kasniska breeding is kept strictly in check, with any cases of inbreeding, though highly rare, being met with exile. For the Sankara, inbreeding is kept in check by having those born in the same egg clutch being given a birth name. This birth name may be given by the parent of the egg clutch or the member overlooking the hatchery, with the name rarely being directly connected back to either birth parent. This allows relations between siblings to be known while maintaining the view that the whole clan is to be considered to be one family.
    Draelish Names:
    • Upon birth, a Sankara will be given a birth name, also called a hatch name, followed by the clan's full or shortened name. Later in life, either through themselves or through their clutch, a Draelish may take on a personal name. Upon greeting another Draelish, a Sankara may give out their personal or hatch name as their first name, followed by their clan name. Some Draelish give their personal name first followed by their hatch name, while others go by their hatch name followed by their personal name, with the clan name always taking up the rear in both cases, with some opting to drop their hatch name altogether. Very rarely will a Sankara drop their clan name, with the stripping of this name only coming about through banishment or exile. As for the clan's official name, the clan as a whole decides together what their clan will be called upon establishing the clan.
    • For Kasniska, each is given a family name upon birth. Upon reaching their first cycle, this family name may change in order to reflect their growing ideals, talents, exploits, or position in the family, with honorifics being attached or taken off over time. Like Sankara, many develop a personal name that they or their peers come to call them, though this name is more akin to a nickname than a true personal name. Lastly, a legacy name is given, which is the name that all Draelish within the family trace their lineage back to, with the founding Matriarch deciding what it is that her family will be called. Any Kasniska Draelish can switch their legacy name to another, but by doing so, they are declaring that their legacy is now tied to that new family, effectively leaving their old family behind. As for the clan's official name, the first family to come to power usually decides what the name will be, either using their own legacy name or coming up with an original. The clan's name can change, usually because a new family topples the old family in power, though this only occurs if the original clan name was the family's own legacy name, though some opt to keep it even then.
    On Outlier Affinities
    • Draelish cannot control what Affinity they are born into, it is entirely dependent on the type of Essence absorbed while in the egg. This can result in the hatching of Draelings that don't reflect the primary Essence stream(s) (also called Jaeda) found flowing throughout the settled region. Though a region can have Water Essence be the dominant type, if a strong enough storm or earthquake erupts nearby, some eggs might absorb the temporary sprout of Essence that accompanied the event, hatching an Air or Earth Affinity Draelish among majorly Water ones. These Draelish are known to have what's called an "outlier" Affinity. (Though a Draelish might be born of a type of Essence that's not native to the region, they do not need that specific type of Essence to survive. A Draelish just needs access to any type of Essence to grow, "filtering" the Essence into their specific type through themselves.) Although different Affinities can flourish in a clan where another Affinity is the predominant type found, if the Essence absorbed was based solely on a temporary event, the resulting Draelish might feel out of place with the native environment versus one that more accurately reflects their own.


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