Excerpt from a Children's Book: The Spirits of Change

Written by bananafire

All things that exist wish for change, and that desire manifests in the Aether. But sometimes, that desire grows so strong that it can push beyond the boundaries between and manifest in the real world, and when that happens it is refereed to as a spirit. Spirits wonder through our world enacting the desire that birthed them, often causing mischief with their interference. A mage might think of them as creating spontaneous spell effects, similar to those cast by themselves. Spirits can cause objects to turn into different materials, move around, grow heavier, or just about anything which you yourself can do. The are the cause, of all those trips to the market you had to make as a kid because all the utensils in the house suddenly turned to lead. Luckily the presence of living beings act as a natural resistance to change, and the more intelligent the creature the more that resistance grows, so within towns and cities their influence isn't particularly noticeable most of the time. But as a growing mage you will often find yourself journeying out into the Wilds for field research, and out there away from civilization you will find spirits are both much more powerful and numerous. Their effects can often give inspiration for new discoveries, so don't be too afraid, but also stay wary of the danger they can cause.
Note: Those who have begun their studies in magic may come to know these spirits of change as Wild Surges.


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