Firstlight, 1st Division - of Tarmac

The horns sounded all throughout the Old City - someone had made it into the Archives. What had at first seemed like a simple raid by a few well-armed soldiers had quickly turned into a frantic brawl. As Draelish soldiers poured out into the halls surrounding the council chambers, Darminadar, Tarmac's father, quickly rounded up the elders and led a coalition to the Archives, with Tarmac in tow.   "What's going to happen to the soldiers, father?" Tarmac asked Darminadar, as they set a brisk pace to the Clan's Archives. "They will fight with their lives, distracting the raiders and giving us time to find the culprits before they can escape." The enemies were few in number, but where they lacked in number they more than made up in skill. "These don't see like regular raiders, Tarmac. These creatures had an agenda, and knew we would be ill-prepared to respond swiftly during the festival." Earlier in the day, during Firstlight, while preparations were wrapping up for the Clan's festivities, scouts from the Outpost issued a warning that armored raiders were seen out by the Eastern Caverns, drawing the garrison stationed nearby to engage. When some well-armed men wearing strange markings and bearing large, metal spears stormed into the Council Chambers moments later, chaos erupted. The Clan was put on high alert, with Darminadar wanting to secure the Clan's artifacts as fast as possible. That was when they heard the horns. "Mother take them, they split forces, drawing our attention in multiple directions." Tarmac's father looked deep in thought. "This level of aggression hasn't been seen from Hearts since the war some 200 years back. What could they want from us? The nearest da'Kyearx are 100's of miles to the East."   Suddenly, one of the armored creatures turned the corner in front of them sharply, holding the Clan's artifact: the sword of Akulus. "Tarmac, watch that spear! They know how to use it against our scales." Darminadar and the other elders began to engage the spearman, who upon closer inspection seemed to be wearing some sort of full-metal plate armor with red plumage. Suddenly, two more enemy warrior joined the first, successfully pushing back the Draelish. Charging their Essence, the Draelish blasted out jets of acid at the enemy soldiers, killing one while the other two backpedaled to escape.   "I'll chase after them Father, you know I'm swifter as an Irsetil." "Go then, Tarmac, but be careful! These aren't regular raiders. They had an agenda and knew how to execute it. We'll send the scouts after you, now go!"   The soldiers were swift, with one parrying Tarmac's blade as the other gained ground. But Tarmac knew these canyons well, and could tell they were heading steadily upwards where the rocky expanse met the gradual shift to grassy plain. He would gain better ground then, when he didn't need to watch his footing here. He wasn't like the others of his clan, who were a mixture of Malonah and Kardam. Tarmac was of the Air Affinity. He would do well on more level ground. Suddenly, an arrow whizzed past his face, then another. There were a group of soldiers guarding a covered carriage, attached to two large, black horses. One of the spearmen turned to engage Tarmac directly, as the other vaulted over the last of the rocks and ran straight to the carriage. He was outnumbered here, and the spearman knew it, pressing his attacks with ferocity. Just before turning back, Draelish scouts caught up with them, trading shots. "Patrin! They're getting away. I need to go after them." "No Tarmac, we need to regroup with Kaladan, then we will go together," Patrin said in-between shots, ducking behind a boulder. "They are leaving now, I will follow as far as I can. We need that sword." "I don't like it, Tarmac! But there's no time. Go! We'll follow when we finish these ones." Tarmac turned and sprinted after the fleeing carriage, with a strange peace urging him on. Follow. The word settled into his mind, setting him at ease and filling him with purpose as he trailed after the shrinking cloud of dust.
Journal, Personal


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