Free of Form Template

Emaciated and pale, Draelish that are born with a birth defect that prevents them from using Essence are known as Theth. With smoky quartz-colored eyes and greyish scales, da'Theth seek other ways to live amongst their brethren, mastering skills and adapting to change faster than those around them.  

Gameplay Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Formless hatch with a seemingly different sense of the world than their brothers and sisters, who inherit a form favoring strength and determination at the cost of flexibility, both physically and mentally. You can increase one ability score of your choice by 2 and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.
  • Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. You are also considered a Wand for any prerequisite or effect that requires you to be a Wand.
  • Size. Your size is Medium. Most Draelish are taller and heavier than other humanoids. Though not as tall as other Draelish, Formless stand well over 5 feet tall and averaging over 200 pounds.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Drael and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your character, such as Regional (a catch-all term for the region's main language, also known as Common in 5e).

  • Cut off from the Daegu. You have no Jaeda flowing through your veins. Your scales are also bereft of color, instead taking on various shades of grey. You cannot use abilities that use Essence. This includes breath exhalations, the Font of Essence feat, and the Skilled Duumarle feat.
  • Relentless Determination. You gain one feat of your choice.
  • Sacred Grey. Unbeknownst to many, Formless possess an ability that no other Affinity has access to. You can take another Draelish's Affinity and apply it to yourself, but it kills the other Draelish in the process each time you do so. You can absorb a number of Affinities equal to your proficiency bonus. This allows you to gain the scale color and resistance for that Affinity, and you can absorb multiple colors, but you can only have one color (and its resistance) active at a time, changing which one you have active upon finishing a short or long rest (you can also revert yourself to your original grey color). You can also give your colors to another Draelish, but it kills you in the process, and you do not know how it will affect them. This ability grants you a shallow pool of Essence, but you still cannot use any Essence features besides gaining an Affinity's resistance.
  • Unbound. You are free from the Curse of the Shr'keldar trait that all other Draelish possess.

Roleplay Traits

  Below are additional traits called Talents and Restrictions that players and GMs can use when playing as a Draelish or Wildling or planning out an encounter. Designed to be more roleplay-centric in order to inspire the use of lore, players and GMs are encouraged to go beyond these traits when playing by using their knowledge of the world for problem solving. When playing as this type of Draelish, these traits are optional. You can pick up two Talents of your choice for each Resitriction that you pick up (For those who have played GURPS 4e and are familiar with Advantages and Disadvantages, this has been designed with that in mind).     Restriction: High Metabolism  
  • Though you are naturally good at regulating your body temperature and can run with an extra burst of speed, you are not as efficient when traveling over a long period of time. You have -1 Stamina Points but when you dash, you can move an extra 10 feet.
Restriction: Unusual Physique
  • Due to your unconventional form (such as having additional appendages, a tail, or wings), armor costs and weighs 1.5x more than normal when made to fit you. Armor already made to fit a standard-sized humanoid must be resized to fit you, costing 0.5x its base value to adjust it to your physique.

Talent: Carnivorous Stomach
  • You can eat cuisine that others may find unappetizing or difficult to stomach, including bugs and raw meat (but not rancid). [Draelish have no qualms about eating the flesh of other creatures, though it is generally frowned upon to eat the flesh of a sentient, especially that of another Draelish. Typical Draelish meals include spicy curry, savory snacks such as salted bugs, or pungent, meaty stew.]
Talent: Low-Frequency Detection
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing if you are trying to detect the distance and/or direction of a large seismic activity such as an earthquake, volcano, tsunami, large thunderstorm, an approaching army, a roaring waterfall, or other sources that emit infrasound.
Talent: Rudimentary Tools
  • If you have natural weapons, such as a beak, fangs, talons, or claws, you can use them as makeshift tools, such as when digging or carving. You gain half proficiency when making an Ability Check when using your natural weapons if it makes sense to use them in the scenario provided.
by Matt Demino
  • Eye Color: Smoky Quartz
  • Scale Color Scheme: Gray
  • Essence Channeled: None
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Fun Fact:
  • Another thing that sets Formless apart from other Draelish is that they have 5-digit claws instead of the normally 4-digit ones all other Draelish possess. The reason for this distinction is not currently known.

Cover image: Falindrith by Sam Santala


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