Kykuun's Patronage Feat

Your power attracts the attention of Kykuun herself. Your scales become fully crystalline, claiming your place among the upper houses of the Prismatic Court.

Prerequisite: Apprentice of Kykuun feat, 15th level
  • Master of Essence. You gain immunity to the damage type that's associated with your Affinity.
  • Resplendent Mantle. When you fail a saving throw, you can instead choose to reroll, adding your proficiency bonus to the roll. You must use the new roll. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • True Inheritance. When you activate Limited Permittance, you also gain Truesight while your wings are active, out to 120 feet.
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Cover image: Falindrith by Sam Santala


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