Magic! Textbook for First Grade Classrooms

Written by bananafire

The Wide World Around Us!   I'm sure you're all excited to finally begin proper schooling at an Ekavarian academy, and this textbook will be the guide to everything you'll need to know for your first year. In it you'll learn about the nature of those pesky spirits that get you in trouble, remove The Wild's veil of mystery, and maybe even do a few magical experiments yourself. The things you'll learn here are only limited by your desire to learn them!   To start, we'll go over the basics for anyone who might have grown up in smaller villages, where your parents might not have taught you the basics beyond what you need to know to live. For you city kids who already know the basics, still read this section! you might have been taught some stories by your parents that aren't completely accurate. The best place to begin is a Simple Question.  

What is Magic

  Magic means many things to many people, some look at sorcerers casting fireballs as magic, while others see the section of the forest always shrouded in twilight as magic, and some even call something as simple as the making of a hammer magical. The truth is that magic is all of these things and more! All things from the ground to the trees and even the air, hold in them a desire for change. Where this desire for change came from is up for debate. It could have been imbued the creator or just be the way things are. but everything has it. objects don't like just staying the way they are, an iron pan might begin to want to be copper, or a rock might want to be something else. Most objects don't change unless acted on by an unbalanced force, held the same by a concept called Order. The presence of people like you or me increases the order of objects around us, and the more people their are, the more orderly objects become. But every non-intelligent thing is inherently chaotic, and when the desire for change becomes fulfilled without the presence of a physical*, unbalanced force we call this Magic. Magic can be categorized in a hundred different ways, but as first years you'll only learn about the most basic forms of magical classification: Wild Magic and Purposeful Magic.

Wild Magic

Wild Magic is when nature takes things into their own hands and performs magic itself. While everything is bounded by Order, eventually the desire for Change takes place. This is what we call Wild Surges.
Book Summary: So you want to learn magic? Maybe you heard tales of wonderful wizards in far away lands throwing around fireballs and decimating whole armies, or maybe you just want to know about a fundamental part of the world you live in. Whatever reason you might have, picking up this book is a fabulous first choice. But before you can learn magic, we need a good idea of what it actually is. When the average layman talks about magic, they are usually speaking of Auramancy, the capability of one being to move the properties of some object to another object. That is what a wizard can do, and, save for gods and mystical creatures, all they can really. When a wizard casts a spell, they take some fundamental feature from something, say a bit of heat from a fire, and give it to something else. For instance a now slightly hotter rock. It gets pretty complex pretty quickly, but that's the gist of it. If moving properties around sounds like something interesting to do and you've already thought of some interesting uses for it then read on, and learn the truth behind the wonderful world of Auramancy.


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